29: Setting Up a Date

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Stiles POV

An hour later, we are back on the bus again. This time, I'm sitting next to Kira at the back of the bus. The rest of our friends are somewhere near the front. I lean my head against the window, my eyes drifting shut. I feel really tired. I think I need a good sleep. I listen to the happy chatter buzzing all around me. "Well, I enjoyed today. What about you?" Kira asks me. I look over at her.

"Yeah, it was fun." I smile.

"Learn anything new?" Kira asks with a smirk.

"Haha." I say while rolling my eyes.

"Say, what do you think of Kara?" She asks with a smile.

"She's great. I think she's fitting in here really well." I reply. Kira leans closer to me.

"Have you noticed the way she acts around Isaac?" Kira asks curiously. I frown slightly.

"Not really, no." I shrug. Kira sighs and shakes her head.

"Boys are always so oblivious." She mutters. I raise my eyebrows.

"Kara definitely likes him. I get the feeling Isaac likes her too." Kira continues.

"How can you be sure?" I whisper.

"It's not that hard. You can tell someone likes someone by the way they look at them." Kira answers like it is the most obvious thing in the world. "Right..." I nod slowly.

"Also, Isaac seems to blush whenever he is near Kara. As for Kara, she becomes very shy if she is talking to him." Kira points out. I think about it for a moment. "Yeah, I guess it makes sense." I admit.

"I think we should set them up." Kira grins.

"Like on a date?"

"Yes, a date!" Kira exclaims in exasperation with wide eyes. I chuckle.

"Sorry, sorry. What's your plan then?" I ask.

"First of all, we need to get all of our friends in on this. Maybe even Derek. Then, we can try to get the two of them alone and see what happens from there." Kira says.

"You really are clever and sneaky, aren't you?" I smirk.

"What can I say? It's in my blood." Kira shrugs. I scoff and shake my head slightly.

"How do you want to tell everyone?" I ask her curiously.

"I'll tell them to meet at my place." Kira answers.


"Oh, I don't know, maybe at the end of the week?" Kira suggests.

"How are you not going to let Kara and Isaac know?" I ask in a low voice.

"We just won't tell them. Try to keep Kara busy that night, okay?" Kira asks.

"I'll try, but I don't know how much luck I will have with it though." I reply.

"Just do your best." Kira pats my shoulder. I knit my eyebrows together slightly.

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