3 • Insecurities

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I ran my hands over my face mentally preparing for my next counseling session. Dr. Heisenberg was on her way up to my hotel room. As inappropriate and unprofessional as it seems, this was the only way we could make it happen. I was unable to get to her so I flew her to me and made sure that she had a place to stay until she was due back to California.

As we neared the end of the eight months that we've spent going back and forth, the sessions began to get harder. Her questions were more personal and honestly, I could never give a decent answer. Most of my problem was that I was unable to admit that it was my fault Roman and I weren't progressing. I saw her effort and believed that it was genuine but I was still unsatisfied.

Before this, everything was smooth sailing. She was perfect. Quite often I felt like she was a little too perfect. She cooked and cleaned even when she didn't have to. I had a chef, Michelle, and a cleaning crew but instead of letting them do their jobs, she always pitched in to help. I'd come home to her cooking with Michelle having the time of her life talking her head off.
Down to earth was an understatement but she came from a good family, I would be crazy to expect anything less.

There was a knock at the door. I got up to answer it seeing Dr. Heisenberg holding her bag full of reading materials and notebooks. She greeted me with a hug and I led her to the living room of the two story presidential suite I was staying in for the week.

"Sorry I'm late," She apologized and took a seat.

"It's fine, I needed a few extra minutes anyway." I sat down and watched as she dug through her bag and gathered everything she needed.

"I told Roman that I wanted to meet with the both of you together for our last session. Can you make that happen?"

I nodded. "I can. I'll be home in a couple of weeks. It'll be easier to get to you."

"Good." She pressed her pen down on the notebook and began to write. "How are you feeling today?"

"A little irritated. I didn't get any sleep so I've been on edge all morning."

"Anything to do with Roman?"

"Everything to do with Roman." I sighed. "She told me she moved out a few months ago. I wish she would've talked to me about it first."

She wrote down a few things and pulled a notebook out from under the one she was writing in. "She doesn't call?"

"She does..."

"Do you answer?"

"Sometimes I answer. Other times I forward it to my assistant."

"How can she discuss things with you if you don't give her the opportunity to?" She asked looking up from the notebook.

I didn't have an answer for her. I didn't know how I expected her to communicate with
me but I knew that I wanted her to try harder. She never cursed me out, she never begged me to speak to her, she never turned into the psycho bitch that I expected her to be. Sadly, part of me wanted that. It made me feel wanted in some way. Even if the feelings weren't emotionally mutual, I'd make her the happiest woman financially.

After we fell apart, she gave me space and told me that being together might not have been the best thing for us then. She never explained or made excuses for what happened. All she did was apologize and instead of running to the media or asking for an absurd amount of money, she urged me to consider counseling so that we could work things out without having to involve everyone in our business. I didn't know whether to be happy or afraid and because I wasn't used to that kind of response, I didnt know what to do.

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