F & D • 16 • Love Weight

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a/n: long and explicit. do not hesitate to skip if it's too much. excuse errors.


             Every morning that I woke up next to Aubrey was one that I found myself waking him up to at least an hour of sex. My hormones were raging and it didn't seem like taking him on a daily basis was helping. In fact it was making it worse. Each day, my orgasms were more intense and spots that weren't usually sensitive were very sensitive now. I sat up in bed looking down at the damp spot underneath my bare vagina that I must've created in my sleep and sighed. Aubrey had been downstairs in the studio working all night. He hadn't touched me in almost a full twenty-four and that was obviously taking a toll on me. I didn't want to bother him but I had to get a release. Otherwise, I'd walking around with the worst attitude.

I slid out of bed gently stepping over Diamond so that I didn't wake her and grabbed my robe, tying it loosely around me. I made my way down to the studio. I hated that it was so far—three flights of stairs and two hallways, by the time I got down there, I was worn out and surprisingly hungry. My stomach rumbled letting me know to eat something before my head was buried inside of the toilet bowl, much like last night after skipping dinner.

I punched in the code to unlock the door and poked my head in. Aubrey stood up pressing the keys on the soundboard to perfect whatever he was working on. I closed the door behind me, making him look up. He smiled a bit looking down checking for Diamond. She followed me everywhere I went but I guess she was too tired to make this trip with me.

"Good Morning," He said ever so gently. The rasp in his voice made the tingle between my legs intensify. I could already feel the stickiness against my thighs. I walked over wrapping my arms around him as he continued to work but not before kissing me.

"Stoppp," I whined. "I don't want to get you sick,"

He chuckled. "I haven't gotten sick yet. Whatever you have isn't the flu or contagious. When are you going back to the doctor?"

"I have an appointment in two days,"

"Good," He said glancing down at me. "I thought I told you to stay off of your feet,"

"I know. I needed the exercise though. Plus, I didn't want you to walk all the way upstairs to fix a problem that can be handled right here," I purred slipping my hands into his sweats. He scooped me up with one arm placing me right between him and the soundboard.

"I'll be glad to fix it," He smirked pulling loose the knot that secured the draped silk. The pads of his fingers sent sparks up my spine.

"No mercy," My smirk matched his, he knew that I was up to no good. His eyes wandered slowly down to my feet. My body pleaded for physical contact until his lips latched on to my ankles and made their way to my jaw. He was teasing me and it was pissing me off but increasing my want for him at the same time.

I watched as he played with me dragging his tongue along my sternum then suckling a nipple into his mouth. I could've had an orgasm right then. I could feel every nerve in my body quiver with bliss. His hand played lower, caressing my clit and metal from the jewelry that hung right above it added to his stimulation. Moans escaped my mouth quicker than I could think. My eyes rolled back as I soaked his hands with my secretions. I shook, I squirmed, I couldn't catch my breath. He was no longer touching me but I swore that I could still feel his index finger caressing the leaking ridges of my g-spot. Once I was able to calm down, I thought I would leave Aubrey to his work and return to bed. Instead, he pulled me closer to the edge of the table. I whined as he adjusted me enough to be comfortable.

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