F & D • 20 • Uninvited Guest

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a/n: wasn't sure how to feel about this chapter but its something. couldn't bring myself to think any harder about it. excuse errors. enjoy!


I walked out of the courthouse with Roman and Mekhi who had fallen asleep a couple of hours ago. It had taken longer than expected to finalize the adoption because no one knew where his biological mother was. Weeks went by before somebody got a hold of her and set a hearing date. After her parental rights were terminated, we were able to start the adoption process and today was the last hearing where we were granted full custody of Mekhi, even changed his last name. It was a huge relief on the both of us. I knew Roman was growing tired of the back and forth. Not to mention, today was the baby shower and she had been up all morning trying to pull things together. Bleu and my mom stayed behind to clean and decorate while we were gone. Having them here was a huge help.

"Can we just cancel the baby shower?" Roman asked as she climbed into the truck while I strapped Mekhi in.

"Not three hours before," I said repeating myself for the third time as she had found three different ways to ask that question. I was being as patient as I could. "I know you're tired but people have already altered their schedules to come so just try and stick it out,"

"Okay," She said laying her head on my shoulder. She soon fell asleep. I used the quiet time to respond to emails and make some calls. I found ways to work while I was home without having to be away. It helped both Roman and I, seeing as though things were getting harder as she neared the end of her pregnancy. We had to switch roles doing some things. I was now responsible for taking Mekhi to visit Ellis whenever he was allowed visitors. It took a lot out me to reconcile with him but for the sake of Mekhi, I did so. I was also tired of fighting with Roman about it. She didn't need to be worried about either me or Ellis.

I reached down to rub her belly, that now sat between her legs. Being present for the last few weeks made it all more real for me. This was really happening and it was happening fast. She had about seven more weeks before they arrived. We held the baby a shower a little later than planned because Roman had been struggling to keep active over the last month. Her body wouldn't allow her walk around. During the first few months, she travelled with me and taught at her studio to get the necessary exercise. She stopped when it became difficult to hide her stomach. She kept silent and out of the media to keep the stress down. We wanted an easy pregnancy, it still came with challenges but it would've been much worse if everyone knew.

"Do I have time to nap before people start arriving?" Roman whined shifting in her seat.

"We can make time. What's wrong?"

"One of them is in a weird position. It's hurting. It usually helps when I lay down,"

I nodded. "I'll run you a bath then you can take a nap,"

It took a while for Mekhi to settle down when we got home. He was beyond cranky from being out all morning and his lunch time was approaching. My mom walked out just in time. She carried a Spiderman plate with a sandwich and chips on it.

"How did everything go?" She asked setting the plate down on the table and scooping Mekhi into her arms.

"They granted us custody," I smiled. "The actual certificate will come in the mail,"

"That's wonderful! Does he understand what's going on?"

"Somewhat but I think he's afraid to ask questions. We're going to talk to him when she's feeling a little better,"

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