F & D • 19 • Growing Family

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a/n: this may make it to chapter 25, it may not. i've managed to come up with a few more scenarios that will make this last but it's about that time to let go of it. my motivation has sat at a solid zero for over a couple of weeks and i've lost a ton of readers on it so now it's sort if pointless to stretch it out. One Night update is in the works but i'm stuck resting with a upper respiratory infection so i'll update when i'm better. excuse errors. Happy Reading!


The following morning had been a rough one. With Aubrey gone, it was hard to really relax. Part of my mind always worried especially since I was on a ton of medication to keep me stable during this pregnancy. Having multiples increased my risks. When we first found out, even the doctor was nervous but thanks to Aubrey, we were able to find meds and various vitamins that were safe to take until we were due. So far, the only thing that lasted longer than I wanted was morning sickness. I was literally sick all of the time and neither of these babies agreed with my choice of a healthy diet.

I finished breakfast putting Mekhi's food in the microwave. I didn't want to wake him yet so I just proceeded with my daily housekeeping routine then headed into the unfinished nursery to clear it out so that Noah, Aubrey and Nathaniel could work on it. I didn't realize how much stuff I had until I had to organize it all. I reached for my ringing phone. Aubrey was always the first call in the morning, especially when he wasvon the road. He had more down time during the day.

"Good morning," I answered looking into the camera. He looked worn out, as always.

"You're already up and in the nursery, huh?"

"Yes," I chuckled. "The sooner, the better because I won't be able to do this after a while,"

"You aren't supposed to be doing it at all,"

"I know but I can't just lay around all day babe. Give me this at least. You already have your friends baby sitting me," I huffed.

"Alright, you got it but—"

"I'll stop if I need to," I pouted mocking him. He managed to repeat that sentence a number of times everyday. I finally pulled a smile out of him. "Was the last show good?"

"Yeah. Sold out. We've done pretty good with ticket sales this time around. I'm definitely ready to come home though. I miss ya'll,"

I blushed a bit at him addressing the three of us. "We miss you too,"

"How are they?"

"Dr. Collins says they are healthy. I wish you were here for the last appointment. I can tell who is who now," I smiled. "Austin sits lower on the left and Aubree is higher on the right,"

His smile widened as I showed him where they were, slightly pressing on each side. "Have they moved yet?"

"Not yet," I pouted. "Slightly nervous and frustrated by that but I'll be patient,"

He nodded. I could tell that being away was painful for him. It sucked that he was missing 70% of our appointments but I would much rather him be around more once they actually got here.

"I'll be home as soon as I can," He said lowly.

"Hopefully that will be within the next two or three days. We need to talk,"

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