10 • Interruptions

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I woke up wrapped tightly in Aubrey's arms. The room was pitch black, I couldn't see a thing. My entire body was sore and to top it all off, I had a mean ass hangover. Going without sex for so long was a bad idea. He was a maniac. Round, after round, after round, he wore me out. I tugged trying to wiggle out of his grip. Once I was free my body fell backwards hitting the floor.

"Ouch," I groaned sitting up. "Why is it so dark?!" I felt around grabbing hold of the side of the bed using it to help me stand.

"Because it's two in the morning," Aubrey yawned checking his phone. "You okay?"

"Yes," I rubbed the arm that I landed on and sat back down. "We slept an entire day,"

"We fucked an entire day, then slept," He snickered. "Heisenberg was right,"

"She was," I giggled pulling the sheets over my chest letting out a harsh hiss. It was almost like I could feel every single muscle contacting whenever I moved. I was stiff and it was a little embarrassing. "She said we should be more spontaneous, whatever that means."

"It means that if I wanted to take you down to the pool and have my way with you, I should."

"That doesn't sound half bad," I smiled watching as he slid out of bed and entered the bathroom. I squinted as the room lit up. "Wait, we aren't really going to do that are we?"

"No," He chuckled turning the knob on the tub. "I'm running you a bath, you're sore."

"As hell," I mumbled under my breath turning on my stomach. My eyes followed him as he walked back and forth gathering the necessary toiletries. His steps were slow but steady, the medication was finally starting to wear off. I missed this side of him. He was subtle, he was the man I fell in love with.

Our anniversary is in a few months and sadly it's one of those things that I'm unsure about. It was supposed to be tradition to travel every anniversary but that didn't quite go as planned and we haven't even talked about doing anything this year. Who knows if we'd even get to celebrate another year. I suppressed my sadness and peeled the blanket from my body. I sat up peering down at my feet dangling off the side of the king sized mattress. In a few hours, this would no longer be our lives. He would go back to being Drake and I would go back to being...well, me. There was no husband and wife. This was that 'I'll see you when I see you' kind of correlation, the worst kind there is.

I sighed inwardly and stood up walking into the bathroom. Aubrey stood over the sink patting his face dry from washing it. I grabbed my toothbrush next to his and proceeded to handle my morning hygiene, though it wasn't morning. He glanced over at me a few times but remained silent. I wanted to drown him in questions about his weird mood but I didn't want to ruin the ambiance.

My body shuddered as I stepped into the tub. The water was at the perfect temperature and the cloud-like bubbles clung to my skin like velcro. I sighed in relief. The heat took a lot of pressure off of my muscles making it easier to relax.

"Are you getting in?" I asked leaving a little bit of space in case he wanted to.

He shook his head. "As much as I want to, no."

"Why not?" I pouted watching him take a seat on the edge of the tub.

"I'm trying to give you a break," He chuckled dipping his hand into the water. "I won't be able to control myself. Is the water okay?"

"It's perfect," I smiled and leaned back closing my eyes. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel a hell of a lot better than I look,"

"First time sleeping in a few days?"

He nodded and ran his wet hands through my hair before grabbing my washcloth lathering it in soap. He rubbed it gently across my neck then my chest washing me until the suds blended into the bubbles. He was silent. I was happy to get a break from screaming his name but this was awkward.

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