5 • Alexander's Invitation

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a/n: filler chap


I squeezed my eyes shut as my doctor drew blood from my left arm. I was so tired of seeing this place, but as of recently I couldn't seem to keep my blood pressure steady. I hissed as she pushed the needle deeper into my vein. My head was spinning and I started to feel queazy.

"Take deep breaths," She coached. "You're doing great,"

She kept the needle in place for a few more seconds before pulling it out and releasing the rubber band around the injection site. I blew out a breath as she bandaged me and handed the tubes full of blood to the nurse who was assisting her today.

"What are you checking for this time?" I asked.

"Blood clots," She answered holding the stethoscope to my chest. "Last time, we checked to make sure that your blood vessels were still in tact. I thought the calcium tablets would work but if you're still experiencing pain, there is something else wrong,"

I huffed beginning to panic a bit, especially since there was a history of heart disease in my family. The condition wasn't new to me and I've found ways to keep it under control. However, when I am under a lot of stress, the chest pains are unbearable—much like today. Luckily, I caught it before the real pain kicked in. I was trying to avoid them having to keep me overnight and it seemed to work out in my favor. The only problem was that she called Noah to make sure that he kept an eye on me for the next few days.

"What if you find blood clots?"

"You'll be put on another medication to help break them down. After you finish, we'll do another drawing and x-ray to check your progress and if there isn't any improvement, you will need surgery,"

"Okay," I sighed resting my head in hand patiently waiting as she inputted my information in the computer.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine," She smiled. "I'm hoping that it was just because of your blood pressure. It was scarily high, are you anxious? or nervous about something?" She rolled her chair around to face to me.

"No," I shook my head.



"Stress is not good, Roman," She said standing up to check my vitals again. "Your heart can't handle it. Literally,"

I hadn't even thought about how my relationship was effecting me physically. I was always told to avoid stress, which is why I rarely raise my voice or get too worked up about the things that I'm going through. It was becoming unavoidable, though. My doctor left and came back with my results and release papers. I tried to read her expression but I couldn't so I just braced myself for bad news.

"Good news," She grinned. "No blood clots. I am going to prescribe something to help with the chest pains. When you run out, come back to see me for another check up, okay?" I nodded and grabbed my things preparing for this trip across town for work.

Every time I walked into my dance studio it made me smile. This was a big step for me. I've always wanted to be a chreoprapher but I was afraid to persue it. When the idea first came to mind, I wasn't experienced in a lot of dance genres. I thought it would limit me until I realized that I hadn't over spent on my budget and had a lot of room for more employees.

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