8 • Stay With Me

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I held Roman's arms above her head as her body convulsed under mine. I nipped at her collarbone pushing in and out of her wave. Her eyes were squeezed shut, fingers gripped the sheets and moans were freely flowing from her lips. I grunted tightening my muscles to keep control of my orgasm, I didn't want to cum yet, I wanted her to feel every inch of me before I released.

"Open your eyes," I whispered letting her go. Her lids fluttered open looking directly into mine. In this moment we were one and I didn't want it any other way.

"My mind has always been made up," I said.
Her nails drew up and down my back marking her territory. With every stroke, her body shook with pleasure.

"I can't be with anyone else," Being away from her made me realize how much I missed her, how much I missed this. Our bodies rocked together in sync until she tensed up gripping my arm tightly. "I belong with you... to you,"

She tried speaking but her breath hitched as another orgasm ripped through her body. I reached between us rubbing her clit in small circles gradually increasing my pace until she became too sensitive to touch. I smirked biting my lip. Satisfying her satisfied me and I couldn't get enough. I loved watching her squirm and beg for more. She gave me complete control of her body allowing me to do whatever I wanted. I wasn't rough but with her but gentle wasn't quite the word either. She liked when I showed dominance and when we switched roles, it was magic.

I pulled away and she sat up pushing me backward. She climbed on top and lowered down onto me. She was so warm, tight and welcoming. I fit perfectly between her walls. She planted both hands on my chest and went to work. Her grinds grew more aggressive once she got the hang of things. She wound her hips bouncing teasingly slow. She tilted her head back as my hands fell to her waist while thrusting upward to meet her movements. Her screams were like music to my ears; jabbers of pure bliss.

I switched positions sitting with my back against the large pillow. Her arms dangled around my neck. Her lips grazed every open area of skin that she could reach. "She will never be me," She moaned suckling my bottom lip between her teeth. She hoisted upward contracting around my length.

"She can't make you feel the way I do," She lowered back down soaking my lower half with her juices. Her lips were only a few centimeters from my ear while she whispered seductively.

She called out to me. My name rolled off of her lips like silk, so smooth and sweet. Every bit of control that I had vanished into thin air. I was at my peak and she knew it; she felt it. My breathing quickened, the grip on her waist grew tighter and my body went numb as my warmth seeped into her.

I kissed her hard savoring the moment while we had it. Just as I thought she was done, she pulled away and licked from my earlobe to my erection. The look in her eyes had me at attention yet again. She eyed me like she was an animal and I was her prey.

Her tongue swirled around the tip of the head and in one swift motion, she was taking me in her throat without using her hands for guidance, instead one cupped my balls and the other rested on my thigh.

She never took her eyes off of me as she made me disappear between her lips. She twisted and slurped curving her tongue so that it did the work her hands would usually do, a trick that she's perfected since learning. My low grunts turned into full fledged moans and this time it was me gripping the sheets.

I've had my fair share of women and of them all, Roman was the only one who could do this correctly. Unlike the rest of them, she took the time to learn what I liked and paid a lot of attention to how to I responded to certain actions. She knew how to get me going and whenever she switched things up, it was always a surprise.

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