13 • Being Sure

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I laughed as Sandi and I talked over breakfast. Since today was her birthday, I decided to cook instead of rushing her out of the house to find a café or something. She was telling me stories about Aubrey when he was little. I could tell that she missed him. We both missed him. I had to stop myself from rambling on about everything he's been doing, most of which I knew she knew already.

"This was great Roman," She said finishing the last bit of her food. "You and Aubrey have managed to make this one of the best birthdays I've ever had,"

"Mission accomplished," I smiled. "We wanted this to be a good year for you,"

Aubrey had her birthday cake delivered earlier. Since then she's been showered with gifts from him. I left him to do the gifting, he knew her better than I did in that area.

"It was a really good year," She took the plate from me as I started to clean up. I had made a complete mess in the kitchen and seeing it all drove me crazy. "You have been on your feet since you got here. The kitchen will get cleaned, relax a little,"

"I know bu—"

"Relax," She repeated, "Let's go out back and talk,"

I didn't argue, I just nodded and followed her back. We sat in the lawn chairs across from the pool. I stared out at the clean cut yard and curled up. The weather for perfect for a dip. I planned to come back out later tonight.

"Tell me what's been going on," Sandi said pulling me out of my thoughts. "I hear about Aubrey a lot but never you,"

"I've been all over the place lately but everything is good," I smiled. "My dance studio is coming along, marketing is great—everything is work right now," I chuckled.

"Promise me that you won't let work consume you. I hate seeing the effect it has,"

"I'm trying. My body is not happy about my recent choices so it may be time to look at other ways to decompress rather than completely stopping all at once, I need to ease my way into a vacation,"

She chuckled rubbing my back gently. "I have never heard anyone use the word decompress that manner. Where are your friends, baby? At this age, you should out partying in Vegas or Miami,"

I smiled thinking about what life would've been like if I hadn't moved in with Aubrey. I probably would've been wild as hell–maybe a little too wild.

"Vegas and Miami huh?" I chuckled squinting at her. "I can't imagine you knowing anything about the party life there,"

"Oh honey, please," She smirked waving me off. "I couldn't keep the men away. You know, I met Dennis on one of those trips. He talked so much mess, I had to give him a chance,"

"Was he as funny then as he is now?"

"Even funnier," She laughed. "Nothing has changed except his age,"

"I think he's rubbing off on Aubs a bit, together they are out of control,"

"Imagine living with the two of them,"

"You're a strong woman," I laughed.

She got up and went inside grabbing us both bottles of water. I took mine sitting it on the table that sat between the chairs we occupied.

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