F & D • 18 • Drunk Messages

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a/n: filler. excuse errors.


Most of my days and nights were spent traveling from state to state for shelter. two months later, I was still on the run but I planned to turn myself next week. I pulled up to the front entrance of LAX scanning the crowd for my sister. Instead, I saw Mekhi sitting alone on a bench near the sliding doors. I huffed putting the car in park and rushed over to him. His face lit up instantly and he hopped up running right into my arms.

"Heyyy," I said hugging him tight. The only thing he held was a half empty book bag.

"Is this all she brought you?" I asked placing him down and digging through the bag finding all of his legal papers, a toy and an empty carton of apple sauce. He had only the clothes on his back and his favorite toys. He smelled like he hadn't been bathed in days, his hair was all over the place, he was missing a shoe and he was sticky from head to toe.

"Did you eat?"

He nodded. "I eat pbj on da' pwane,"

"Alright, let's get you somewhere and get cleaned up," He held my hand while we walked to the car. I situated him in his carseat and pulled off. The safest place he could go was Roman's and I'd managed to get a hold of her most recent address. She lived across town, her house was bigger than she actually needed, expensive cars sat in the driveway, typical celebrity wife setting. I helped Mekhi out if the backseat and approached the front door. I stood outside for a while trying to gather the confidence to knock. Mekhi stood patiently looking around at the yard. I rang the doorbell and waited. The locks turned and a tall white man appeared behind the glass door.

"Can I help you?" He asked me then looked down at Mekhi.

"Uh, is Roman here?"

He frowned. "Who are you? How do you know her?"

"Ellis," I started. "We met out in Dubai," I didn't really feel the need to explain myself but I wanted to keep the drama to a minimum. I didn't need anything else on my plate.

"She's not here,"

"Who are you over there lying to?" I heard Roman laugh. Her voice was getting closer by the second. She peeked over the mans shoulder seeing me and her expression changed almost immediately. She whispered something to him and he walked away revealing her very large belly.

"Excuse my brother," She said lowly as she stepped outside pulling the door up behind her. Mekhi didn't even give her two seconds before he wrapped himself around her legs. She smiled big and picked him up. "Watch your knees," She instructed hugging him tight. "Look at how big you've gotten!"

"I hab big boy toys!"

"You do?" She chuckled. "Like what?"


She gasped. "Spiderman?! He's the best! I like spiderman too. Can I play with him?"

He nodded fast digging through his bag to find him. Roman looked up at me and mouthed and quick "Thank you," It had been a while since they saw each other and contrary to the front she put up, she'd gotten attached to him just as much as he was attached to her. She led us inside and I sat quietly while she played with him until he passed out on the couch. She wore him out and had yet to say another word to me.

I stared at her belly slightly envious that she was sharing this with someone who had put her through more than she deserved—someone who didn't deserve her. "Congratulations," I said after clearing my throat.

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