F & D • 14 • Real Sisters?

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a/n: Just for clarification, in the last chapter Natalia was coming from Aubs hotel, not house. I made the mistake of putting estate because I completely forgot that Natalia resides in Dubai with Ellis. Also, Sadie resides in California. I realize that I often mix up the settings so I apologize if I have confused anyone.


         Constant knocking awoke me from my slumber. It took almost two hours to finally settle down with all of my coughing and sneezing so that I could fall asleep and now it was being interrupted. I huffed putting on my best face to answer the door. I kicked past used tissues, a full trashcan and moving boxes on top of moving boxes. My body was weak, I was barely standing on my own and if I broke out into another cold sweat I was going to scream. Having the flu was not fun and I knew the weather transition from Toronto to Dubai would upset my immune system.

"Who is it?" I croaked pushing up on my tippy toes to look out of the peephole. The person didn't speak or even look up from his phone but I knew who it was—Ellis. I'd been avoiding him since I got back. He'd asked to stick with the original plan for him to accompany me during the holidays. I declined, especially since he'd already sent Mekhi to spend time with his grandparents. There was no reason to be around Ellis alone so I took Sadie instead and Aubrey came late due to the bad weather. We only got to spend a couple of hours together due to Sandi needing his help around the house but something was better than nothing and I'd much rather him spend that time with his mother. He never got home much.

I pulled the door open and before I could greet Ellis, he was rushing inside locking the door behind him. I frowned stumbling backward into the couch after he pushed past me. "What is your problem?" I asked looking at the disturbed expression on his face. He began shutting off every light in the house and closing the blinds on each window.

"What are you doing?" I asked watching him frantically fix things to this liking. He stopped caring about the boxes that covered the floor and began kicking them out of his way. He maneuvered around my living room like a madman allowing only the light from the spaces in the blinds guide us. Soon it would be pitch black. The sun was setting and that made me nervous.

"Ellis," I called.

"Shut up," He gritted through clenched teeth. He paced for moments until we heard movement in the hallway. Light sounds of conversation and communication through a transceiver filled my ears. I could hear them banging on Ellis door across the hall. After the third page, I realized that it was the police.

"Are they looking for you?" I whispered. He looked up at me but didn't respond giving me the answer that I needed. "You need to go out there. You could be in trouble," I said a little louder stepping toward the door only to get snatched back. Ellis' hand covered my mouth tightly. His fingers were digging into my jaw as he drug me into my bedroom.

"I am in trouble and the only thing I need from you is to shut the fuck up and keep the door closed until they leave,"

"If they catch you, that makes me an accomplice to whatever you have going on," I huffed as he removed his hand. "You have to go , Ellis" I pleaded with him to leave. "Either you leave or I walk out there and tell them that you're here,"

His hands were wrapped around my neck in a matter of seconds. He squeezed until I could barely breathe. With my sinuses blocked, it wouldn't take long for me to fall unconscious. I was already getting light headed. He pushed me down onto the bed and forced my legs open.

"I'm going to make sure that you aren't able to move to do so," He grilled me loosening his grip on my neck. He tugged at my panties and I shook my head unable to speak as everything from that night I attempted cheating on my husband filled my brain. He was just as aggressive and verbally abusive.

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