F & D • 5 • Lust

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I tilted my head back moaning loudly as I released my last orgasm. I hadn't gotten any attention all week. Aside from Ellis being busy, he and I were keeping our distance for a few days while he got his shit together. Meanwhile, I was struggling to keep my fingers out of my panties.

I sat up on my elbows pressing down on the off switch of my vibrator. I sighed in relief enjoying the slight tingling before it went away. I completely got up and sauntered into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I could never start my day on time and I had a lot on my schedule today, starting with a therapy session and ending with a medical screening.

After my heart attack, my fibrillations were abnormal and there were conversations about an defibrillator insert or a heart transplant. Neither one was a personal recommendation. I wanted surgery to be my last option because it would cause even more problems but the doctor insisted and told me that they had exhausted all other options. Either have surgery or drop dead at any given moment.

I chose to drop dead at any given moment. It was a huge risk but I trusted my body. If there was any improvement, I would take better care of myself. That meant eating better, exercising, and keeping away from all stress. I did just that after my first scan and eventually heart began to heal itself. The doctor called it a miracle. I still needed to come in four times a year for a check up but that was much better than coming in every month.

Looking myself over in the mirror, I was horrified. The bags under my eyes were dark like I needed some sleep. I rubbed the cold out of my eyes and turned the water on letting it heat up. As soon as I grabbed my toothbrush, Sadie was calling. She didn't even wait for me to say hello before she started talking.

"I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever!" She groaned.

"It's been two days, Sadie," I mumbled with the toothbrush hanging from my lips.

"Two days, too long!" She blew out a hard breath. "I guess Ellis has had you preoccupied,"

"He has not," I chuckled spitting the toothpaste out. "I've just been working,"

"And when your work day ends, you go right to Ellis so like I said..." I could almost hear the eye roll she was giving. "He has had you preoccupied with these sleepovers that you hate so much,"

Her sarcasm sort of annoyed me. I didn't like to stay over because that insinuated deeper feelings. It also gave Ellis hope but lately, I've been reeled in. After a movie and dinner, I found myself falling asleep on his couch and I'd wake up the next morning in his bed seeing him off to work.

"It's not on purpose. Half of the time I'm just too tired to leave,"

"You live across the hall, there isn't much energy needed to get there," She laughed. "Just admit it, you like the man,"

"I never said that I didn't like him. I do. I'm just adjusting to everything,"

"I hear you," She half sighed.

She always made a big deal out of Ellis and I. She shipped us pretty hard but I was sticking to being by myself for a while. It was the safest option. She made sure to remind me that he treated me better than anyone had—he did, I'd admit that but the fact still remained that he was not my first pick.

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