11 • The Attempt

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I woke up to empty arms and my phone ringing off the hook. I frowned and reached for it accidentally pushing it off of the night stand. I smacked my teeth as it hit the floor and popped out of its case.

"Fuck it," I grumbled sitting up letting the comforter fall to my waist. I didn't even bother to pick it up.

The sun blinded me temporarily as my eyes adjusted to the light. I held my head in my hands trying to shake off the dizzy feeling—one side effect that I hated the most after taking anti-depressants. It felt like all of the blood rushed to my brain. My body felt heavy and everything was moving slow. I closed my eyes and pulled myself together before sliding out of bed.

Loud bangs on the door to my room echoed off of the walls. I frowned getting ready to leave them standing there until I heard the locks click and in came Bleu.

"I thought yo ass was dead," He said scrolling through his phone. "Carson said wake up and get back to the states," He kept scrolling and laughed. "You should probably call her,"

I huffed and picked my phone up from the floor piecing the case back together. My screen lit up once more, her name scrolled across the top. She'd been the one calling for the last few minutes.

"I'm up," I said walking into the bathroom.

"You should've been up two hours ago," She huffed. "It would've been nice to let me know that Oliver didn't know about your sudden day vacation in Barcelona!" She sounded frustrated and I wasn't in the mood to entertain it.

"I wasn't aware that I needed to tell you that,"

"It's my job to manage your schedule so that when he plans an early meeting with the president of Nike and pushes your signing date to tomorrow morning, I won't have to make up lies about your whereabouts!"

"Shit," I frowned looking at the clock. If I didn't leave now, I wouldn't make it back until tomorrow afternoon. "Why did he switch it?" I asked as I rushed to brush my teeth and throw on some clothes.

"They want to release the 12's earlier than you anticipated. I tried to get him to do it Wednesday but he insisted on tomorrow," She huffed. "I don't care how you get there, just make sure that you're in Oregon by 10am,"

"Alright," I ended the call and grabbed my stuff making sure that I didn't leave anything before heading out and meeting Bleu at the truck.

"When did she leave?" I asked referring to Roman as we loaded up.

"A couple of hours ago,"

"Did she fly back home?"

"I'm not sure, she made me drop her off in the front. She didn't seem like she wanted to be bothered so I didn't ask questions,"

I nodded and took my usual spot in the back and plugged headphones into my ears in attempt to drown out the extra conversation. My phone was blowing up with emails and text messages—all of which I'd respond to once I was settled. Usually that was my down time. I had a little bit of privacy on the plane, even more now that everyone was back home.

We were in the air in no time. I reclined my seat and got comfortable preparing for take off. My fingers worked quickly responding to as many emails as I could. I forwarded the rest to Oliver. Roman's name popped up at the top of my screen. My heart began to race and I quickly opened it.

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