I'd Rather It Be Me Then You

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As days went by I started to see what Danielle warned me about.

It was kids like myself that would be picked on for the simplest decisions we made. Whether it was what we wear, what we enjoy doing, what we talk about, even how you speak. I didn't understand why other students let words destroy them so much to the point where they try and change themselves. I didn't care for what people thought, unlike ever other student at school.

It wasn't until one afternoon at lunch where for the first time, I saw a fight happened.

"You should join Club Live, they actually have a room near the gym full of couches and computers they allow us to use!" Shaina explained, sitting next to me against the tree I always sat under at lunch.

"I'll think about it." I mumble in reply, biting into an apple.

Danielle's silent stare over my shoulder caught my attention.

"You...alright there Danny?" I chuckled, watching her gaze slowly move on me.

Danny was the nickname only I called her by, since Danielle was too much of a mouthful in my opinion.

"Look," She whispered, moving my chin over with her finger, forcing me to feast my eyes on a group of older students beginning to argue over something.

Suddenly, the students roared in appeasement as a younger girl, looking my age, fell to the floor.

"Cut it out Ryan! This isn't funny!!" The brunette screamed, crawling back toward the wall, the group of boys laughing coldly as they followed her.

"What? You too scared? You should know better then to call me weak!!" One of the taller boys snarled, his hand snatching a piece of the girl's hair before lifting her up.

I felt my heart pound against my chest in pure anger, watching students cheer him on as if this were a boxing match.

"I thought we were just messing around! A-A joke! I-I didn't mean it! Please let go!" The girl begged, tears falling from her eyes, groaning at the pain in her head.

"Stay here Danny." I mumble, standing up slowly before maneuvering past the crowd.

"B-Bella!" I could hear her suddenly react to my demand, hearing her rise from her seat and snatch my arm.

"Are you insane? Ryan will kill you in two seconds, he's ten times the size of you!" I pull away, shaking my head.

"I don't care, I don't do karate like you, but that doesn't mean I won't try and give this girl a break." I reply in a frustrated growl, enough to see the surprised look on her face.

My heard pounded even faster, I could even feel my mind going into complete caution as I stepped out into the open and tackled Ryan over with all my strength.

"Who the-" The room grew quiet, quieter then I expected.

I felt Ryan's fist fly across my face before being pushed off. Silence being overcome by sarcastic laughter.

"Aww, isn't this cute, a little 6th grader standing up for an 8th grader." Ryan scoffed, I could feel his hand grab me by the back of my shirt, pulling me to my feet.

I shook my head, recovering from the unexpected blow, but by now I was use to the feel of being punched.

"She said she didn't mean it now BACK OFF!" My chest quivered, I'd never yelled at anyone with such anger.

"What-Did you just..threaten me? Ohhh, you'll regret that you little punk!" His grip around my shirt tightened, throwing me back on the cold floor.

My eyes focused on the frightened girl I stood up for, who just leaned against the wall in tears, watching the 8th grader pin me down easily.

You see, the one thing I never understood about my school during that time, none of the councilors did anything about bullying. They thought us students should solve the issue on our own. Solve, more like suffer.

"Gentlemen, let us remind the others of what happens when a little punk decides to mess with me or any one of my pals." He shouted, as if he were announcing it to the entire lunch room.

I could hardly understand the rest of his speech, my heart's intense pounding nearly burst through my ears against the ground. I wasn't afraid of what was to come, I was afraid of what my friends and Danielle were going to see. I could never explain to them why I ever stood up for others, and end up half beaten to death in the end.

"That'll be the last time you ever threaten me!" His hand folded my arm backwards behind my back.

I could already feel my arm beginning to sting.

"Let her go.." I mumble, in a less threatening tone.

Ryan's hand pushed my wrist more up my back, every joint in my arm immediately radiating an intense burn throughout my arm. I could hear him scoff at my wince, I only felt more angrier at him for this.

"I won't stop till you tell me you'll never threaten me again!" He spat in my ear, students snickering around us.

"Just let her go!!" I groaned, I couldn't think of something quick enough to say.

This somehow must have been funny. I could hear the laughs of students around us echo off the floor.

"I could snap that twig you call an arm! Is that what you want?!" Ryan's voice grew, I could tell if he was frustrated at me, or the laughs.

My silent reply got me a harder pull, I could hear things pop all at once, sending a violent cry instead of words back at him.

To my surprise, and luck, the bell rang before Ryan could continue. I felt ten times lighter as he stood up, releasing my wrist and shirt..

"Count that as a warning, you stupid punk." He mumbled, I watched him leave with a group of other boys, all laughing as a few glared back at me.

"I told you! You stupid..punk..you shouldn't do that!" I could tell Danielle was trying to mock Ryan's nickname for me.

"I..don't care." I groan while unfolding my nearly disjointed arm.

"When will you?" Danielle scoffed, helping me up before wiping my back off with her palm.

"Danny, I don't care what he does to me, what he did wasn't right. It's not fair." I watch her grab my bag before I could move then guide me towards my next class, ignoring the faces people gave me.

"Bella, as a friend, don't do this to yourself. Just let him be!" She grabs my shoulder, looking me straight in the eye with her blue ones.

Danielle was nearly three inches taller then me, it almost felt like she was playing the role as my mother.

"You know I can't do that." I look away, trying to keep myself from shaking too much.

"Fine, but next time something like that happens, you fight back, understand?" Danielle's smirk fades, but grinned as I nodded.

"I have a feeling I'll be picking you up off the floor again in the future." She teases.

"You just might Danny, you just might. But I'd rather it be me then you."

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