Five Seconds

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It wasn't long till Danielle and I decided to make a deal; if I helped her 'fit in' more in school, she'd tech me how to fight. I found it hard to believe she wanted someone like me to help her fit in, when I couldn't fit in myself. I admit, that's my own fault.

That same weekend it was decided that she'd teach me in the back yard of her house. Which means I would finally be able to meet her family for the first time.

"You really think this is a good idea?" I mumbled, letting my bag fall on the floor beside the front door.

"I don't really want you getting in trouble," I couldn't help but notice Danielle scoff before leading me down a hall into her kitchen, which was dimly lit by the living room across from it.

"It'll be fine, trust me." Danielle finally assured.

I felt myself freeze at the sight of an older golden retriever run its nose along my leg eagerly.

"That's Daisy, don't worry, she's friendly." Danielle scoffed, sliding a glass door open to her backyard.

"I only hope." I joke, following her outside into the open grass area.

Immediately I felt the sun's heat radiate against my back. I couldn't help but remember I was wearing jeans in scorching hot weather.

"Alright, put your arms up like this." Danielle began, raising her fists near her face in a defensive stance.

Obviously, my version of a defensive stance wasn't good enough. Judging by Danielle's sudden laugh.

"Up higher, the last place you want your opponent to hit is your head." She continued before walking up to me.
I allowed my fists to be moved just above eye level, and legs slightly apart with my left foot forward.

"Especially for someone your size, you need to be quick. When you see me punch toward you, you move the other way, understand?" I watched her return into a defensive fighting stance after moving herself in front of me.

"Danny, I know how to figh-" I felt myself step back at her attempted uppercut.

"I know, but you need to learn how to defend yourself!" Danielle grunted before lunging forward, making sure to keep her head back, and swung her knuckles into my side.

Immediately I winced but kept my arms up as instructed, realizing we were circling each other.

"Push away my arm when I try and punch you." Danielle hinted before lunging forward again with a quick jab.

To her surprise, judging my her impressed facial expression, I easily dodged her blow.

"Alright, let's since you got that down, let's see what you don't know." She challenged with a small scoff.

Looking back now, let me tell you I made the worst mistake of accepting this challenge. Without a single thought of remembering she knew karate, and I didn't. She was twice the size of me, and was capable of breaking my arm with one move.

As you can tell, I never denied getting into fist fights. Typical for a twelve year old girl right? Wrong.

"Your move Bella," Danielle challenge, raising her fists.

I scanned her stance, looking for any way to break her balance.

"Alright, you asked," I threw myself forward, leaning back to avoid another blow before kicking the back of her leg.

I watched her stumble forward, unaware I was behind her now.

"Come on Bella, I know you can hit harder then that." Danielle scoffed, regaining her balance.

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