Blue Eyes

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I'd nearly forgotten it was Christmas Eve, already.

Snow softly fell from the cloudy skies, creating a thick layer of snow that blanketed the ground. The wind was even more fierce than the temperature. Driving through town, everything from branches to ice was being blown everywhere violently.

By the time my father and I reached the center my other grandfather was being held in, ice had layered itself on the sidewalk, so walking towards the entrance was quite the challenge.

"Now he might not remember you so it might be awhile till he recognizes you." My dad mumbled as we walked inside, wiping snow off our arms and legs.

The warmth of the room soothed me immediately, considering my hands were nearly frozen.

Hall after hall, we finally found our way to my grandpa's room with the help of one of the nurses who worked at the center. My grandpa was asleep when we walked in, his left arm and leg in a cast.

"Dad?" My father spoke while nudging his right arm gently. I watched him, standing in the corner nervously.

I watched my grandpa open his weary eyes slowly, blinking a few times before turing his head at my father.

"It's me, David, your son." My dad clarified, a smile stretching across his face.

My grandpa gasped, widening his eyes in the process. "D-David? It's you?'re real?" He stuttered.

"Yeah, I'm real dad. My daughter came with me to see you, do you remember Isabella?" My dad gestured me to come closer but kept his eyes on my grandpa.

I took a few steps forward, watching my grandpa's facial expression change. "Isabella?" He repeated, confused.

My dad glared at me before nodding. "This is my daughter dad."

My grandpa squinted his eyes at me, I took another step forward before kneeling down beside him.

"Do you remember me?" I asked him, gently as possible.

"Blue eyes?" He mumbled, leaning in closer towards me.

"Y-Yeah! That's me grandpa." I smiled in relief as his eyes widened in shock.

Blue eyes was a nickname he always called me when I was younger, mostly because he could never remember my name.

"Wow.." He whispered, inspecting me from top to bottom. "You've grown to be quite the beautiful young lady."

I couldn't help but laugh sheepishly at him. "Thank you."

"How are you Blue eyes?" He smiled, the smile I always recognized since I was younger.

"I'm doing alright," I responded with the same tone.

"Alright? Why you should be great! Especially a lady your age." He exclaimed, sounding almost confused by my words.

"I guess so huh?" I scoffed, rising to my feet.

"You're not dating yet are you?" He furrowed his eyebrows at me with a concerned tone in his voice.

"No no no, I'm only twelve grandpa!"  I chuckled, I noticed my dad sigh in relief.

"Well good! I don't want any boys touching my beautiful blue eyes!" I shook my head with a wide smile as he spoke.

"Speaking of beautiful girls, the nurses here are something else! Oh! Can you go tell one of them to bring my present over here?" He asked me anxiously. I nodded in response before leaving the room.

Soon enough I did as I was told and brought back a small wrapped gift, noticing my name written in print on the front.

"Is this for me?" I asked as I entered the room, shutting the door behind me.

"Course it is! Open it." My grandpa grinned, watching me tear the paper off. The gift was a Superman shirt that nearly matched the one he was wearing at that moment.

"I should've known," I chuckled, showing it to my father, watching him chuckle over it.

"You wanna know why I got you that?" My grandpa asked me, still watching me with a warm grin.

"Because you know I'm a superhero geek." I chuckled, outlining the Superman symbol with my finger.

"Well, that and because you ARE Supergirl." He replied.

"I wish," I mumbled to myself.

"Bella you are the woman of hope in this family. Truly, that's part of the reason why I call you 'blue eyes'. When you were younger, I'd look into your eyes and see the soul of a brave little girl. I look in them now and see the same pair of eyes of the brave young girl I set eyes upon so long ago." My grandpa explained, his tone growing more passionate.

"Thank you," I responded, folding the shirt in my lap.

"Why don't you go put it on Supergirl." My dad chuckled, watching me stand up.

I nodded, carrying the shirt into the restroom.

Since that day, I've kept that same shirt, and worn it a few times, remembering my grandpa's words every time I put it on.

I noticed a large room with several long windows that revealed parts of the snowy outdoors. I couldn't help but notice the wooden baby grand piano in one of the corners as well.

Quietly, I wondered into the room, noticing two other elders in the room, talking to each other about the weather.

Seating myself down on the old wooden bench, my fingers tapped on a few of the notes of the keyboard, playing an old tune I taught myself.

The piano was far more elegant than my own, just by the way it sounded.

Soon enough I was playing every song I knew, lost in my own thoughts before realizing I had a huge audience watching me.

Several elders were watching me play, some even fast asleep in their own chair.

I flicked my head around to notice an old woman tap my shoulder once I finished playing a song.

"My husband use to play that song." She began, a wide grin on her face.

"Really?" I raised my eyebrows, a bit surprised.

"Oh yes, every morning. For hours he'd play that song." The woman continued before patting my shoulder gently. "God bless you, and Merry Christmas dear!"

"Thank you! Merry Christmas to you as well ma'm." I replied with a smile. I didn't expect such an audience, but as long as they were happy, I was happy.

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