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It was late November. Clouds started to blanket around the sky as the weather cooled down. Leaves were already falling from trees onto the small puddles of the school grounds.

The school announced it's first formal dance, which was in just a few days. Of course the most popular kids already had friends or even dates to accompany them, then there was students like me; planning an evening by myself.

Danielle, Shaina and I were sitting outside underneath the leafless tree just outside the cafeteria. All the tables were taken, as usual.

"Any plans this weekend?" I turned my head, watching Shaina pull out her lunch.

"I have a basketball game," She mumbled, exhaling quietly. "Why? You got plans?" Shaina continued while scoffing, her dark eyes looking back at me.

"Going on a date maybe?" Danielle teased. I chuckled, shaking my head. "Oh! With mister what's his name...B-Benjamin..hmm?" Shaina played along, a wide smile stretching across her face.

"Pshh, yeah right. He's probably found someone way better than me. That knows how to dance at least.." I shrugged, folding my hands together, watching them as my grin dissipates.

Danielle rolled her eyes, taking a handful of pretzels. "We could go together! As friends of course."

Honestly, I didn't have the urge to go to this dance whatsoever, but then again, I had nothing better to do.

"Alright Alright, fine." I shook my head with a small smile, ignoring Shaina's sarcastic looks. "Because so and so is gonna be there.." Shaina mumbled.

"How do you know?" My arms crossed, cocking my head to the side. "Because why wouldn't he be?" Her eyes looked up over my shoulder, smiling nervously now. "How would you know? Honestly I'd be surprised if Ben left his hous-" I followed Shaina's eyes to notice the familiar pair of blue eyes I saw every other day looking right through mine.

All three of us choked on our breath at the sight of Ben standing behind me with a nervous smile. "Bad time?" He shrugged his shoulders like a terrified dog, wrapping it's tail between its legs.

"Uhh, no..not at all. Shaina was just..talking about you." I shrugged, ignoring Danielle's pale face.

"R-Really? Am I that popular?" Ben shrugged, scratching the back of his neck.

"Guess so," I grinned.

Ben nodded, his eyes looking down at his feet; he was nervous about something. "You know that's in a few days?"

I could hear Shaina giggling behind me quietly. Yeah, I knew what she was thinking; we jinxed everything we said.

"Yeah.." I noticed Aden approaching us from behind Ben, putting his hand on Ben's shoulder.

"Let me help this chicken out, he likes you, and he wants to know if you can go to this lame dance." Aden explained with a sarcastic grin, watching Ben's cheeks darken and eyes widen before walking off with him.

"See you there Bells!!" Aden shouted, looking over his shoulder, keeping his arm around Ben, who still looked more nervous then me.

Danielle suddenly stood up, narrowing her eyes, watching then walk away. "Did anyone else grasp what just happened?"

"You two are nervous geeks. One hundred percent geekiness right there." Shaina scoffed, standing up then nudging me in the arm.

"Look who's talking.." Danielle gazed at her. "Shut least I have a personality Miss I sit in corners girl!" Shaina snapped back. I could tell she was offended slightly by Danielle's remarks.

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