The Dance

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The time had finally come, the event everyone at school would ramble on and on about none stop.

Course the only person who was more excited about it then me was my parents, my mother more like.

"You actually wore a dress? Oh, and curled your hair! Oh that's adorable! You look so cute actually doing something with your hair!! My baby girl is finally grow-" My mother's never ending questions were interrupted by a knock on the front door.

I had on a silver dress that stretched down just above my knees that matches with my silver flats. I wasn't to fond of the outfit but I had nothing else "formal" to wear.

I pushed open the door, realizing Shaina was at the door, also wearing a dress and flats. "Ohh, Ben's gonna be quite imp-" I cleared my throat loudly before leaning in, so only she could hear my words. "I didn't tell her about Ben." I explained, looking over my shoulder.

"What!! I'm sure she'd love to hear about-" I hushed her before taking another step forward.

"Bye mom! I'll see you later!" I shouted, hearing her race down the stairs.

"Bye honey! Your father says if a guy makes you uncomfortable, kick 'em in the crotch." She shouted just before I could shut the door behind me.

I could hear Shaina giggling quietly beside me, I only assumed at my mother's "goodbye".

"Your parents are awesome," Shaina smirked, leading me towards her mother's car that was waiting for us in the driveway. "Shut up," I chuckled, knowing she was being sarcastic.

"Really! You should've asked her for more advice!" She smiled before swinging herself in the passenger seat of the car.

"I'm sure you'd love that," I grinned, seating myself behind her.

"Yes I would," She replied enthusiastically.

Shaina and I both had never been to an actual dance, a formal one at least. I could tell she was just as curious about it as I was. Supposedly, Chloe, Tiffany, and Danielle were already at the dance, probably waiting for Shaina and I.

By the time we made it to the school, several students were already there at the dance. You could tell most of the kids were the for the food, pretty typical.

"I smell pizza," Shaina grinned in satisfaction, walking a little faster ahead of me.

"The dance must be inside the gymnasium." I explained, following the small crowds of kids walk towards it.

As we managed to maneuver past more and more crowds of kids, Shaina and I finally made it inside, immediately amazed by what we saw. There was a giant disco-ball dangling in the center of the gym, and led-lights curtained around each corner. The center of the gymnasium was cleared-obviously nobody felt like embarrassing themselves in front of everyone by dancing.

That's when I noticed Danielle waving at me from one corner of the gym, alongside Tiffany and Chloe.

"You actually came! I figured you'd stay home!" Tiffany chuckled, crossing her arms.

"I have nothing better to do," I grinned.

We spent the past half an hour rambling on and on about why we chose to come and the funniest things people chose to wear to the dance. Especially the girls.

I noticed Ben maneuver his way towards us, having a wide grin on his face.

"Well looky looky!" Shaina elbowed me with a wide smile on her face, following my eyes.

"Y-You came?" Ben glared at me in disbelief, ignoring the snickers of everyone around us.

"Yeah, I did. I'm more surprised that you did." I chuckled, his nervousness clearly noticeable.

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