Goodbye Supergirl

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It was mid February, my parents had finished cleaning and selling the house. Even though we still weren't sure if my grandpa would be okay on his own, we still had to return home.

During the two long months inside my grandpa's old home, I grew dramatically within that short time. When I say dramatically, I mean by several inches.

Today was the final day I'd get to see my grandpa, even to this day, I haven't seen him since.

"I'll call you every weekend okay?" I grinned, gazing into my grandpa's tired blue eyes.

I watched him grin weakly, his scrawny fingers grabbing my wrist. "I'll miss you blue eyes."

Water started to layer itself around my eyes, feeling a heavy weight of sadness touch my heart. "I'll miss you too grandpa, really much."

Truly, even to this day, I worry about him, but deep down I know he'll be just fine.

For hours he'd tell me about the "jaw-dropping, smoking hot" nurses that work at the center. I couldn't do much more than just roll my eyes.

For hours he'd tell me the same stories he use to tell me when I was younger. You'd think I'd grow tired of it, but the truth was, I always loved hearing his voice. I missed his stories. Stories about first laying eyes on "his little super-girl". Stories about raising my father when he was younger. The stories that I'll tell someday. Maybe to grandchildren, maybe friends, who knows.

~ • ~

By the time we returned back to California, the skies were darker then how I remembered them to be.

While I was gone, there had been more than fifty missed calls on the home phone. I was hoping none of the messages on the machine were for me-course, I was wrong.

Letting my bags slip from my fingers, I retrieved the phone quickly, retreating back into my bedroom then shutting the door.

" good news.." I prayed, letting myself sink to the floor against the door, holding the phone against my chest. Having high hopes, I let the messages play one at a time. Most of them were luckily telemarketers or clients of my parents asking about work, but the few that were meant for me brought nothing but confusion;

"Hey Bella, lots of things going on, not sure if you're actually getting this, but call me back soon as possible. Please."

This was from Shaina.

"Hey Bella, look, we have a lot to discuss. If you still feel like talking to me, then meet me after school on Wednesday, you know where to find me."

This was from Danielle.

Luckily, this message was only a few days ago, so I haven't missed the oppressed to talk to her. Then again, I thought to myself; did I really want too? Would it just break my heart even more hearing all the bad things she had to say to me? Sure it would! Believe it or not, I still cared about her opinions, she was my friend, that I didn't want to lose.

So I decided after a long moment of thinking it over in my head, I'd meet her at the school on Wednesday, the one day out of the entire week school ended early.

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