Farewell Danny

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The day had finally come, the truth would finally be revealed after months of confusion. The question was, if I was such a bad person to her, why see me again? Why lie about about the things I did to her? What was the point?

Already, I was starting to have second thoughts about meeting her after school. I haven't seen her, or anyone for that matter in months.

As students passed by me, I noticed most of them give me dirty looks, some even startled to see my face. I can only imagine the thoughts passing through their minds.

I noticed Shaina exchange glances with me as she exited class, having a worried look on her face.

"Dude, you made a really big mistake coming here. You realize it's a trap right? There's several people in on it too." She warned, only speaking quiet enough for me to hear.

"I know, but I need to know what's going on, alone." I told her, recognizing how concerned she was.

I realized then how much I'd grown. Shaina and I use to be the same height, now I was looking down upon her.

"Alone? You're insane!!" Shaina widened her eyes at me, stepping back.

"I don't want anyone else involved in this mess, especially you. From what I've heard she's done enough to you." A heavy sigh escaped my lips, watching Shaina shake her head in response.

"I tried, I tried warning you." She mumbled before walking off, looking at me from over her shoulder, casting one last hesitant glance. I could almost hear her thoughts.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Part of me was afraid to, but the other half suggested it was time Danielle and I settled things, one way or another.

After several minutes passed, I realized I was now alone, still waiting. At this point, I could already sense something wasn't right, especially after hearing someone scream, "There she is!!"

A group of girls, some I never seen before, were running towards me from behind, pointing angry fingers at me-they must've been Danielle's friends, I thought.

Immediately, I sprinted towards the other direction, noticing more and more girls appearing then chasing after me, shouting my name in fury.

I found myself running onto a dirt trail, on the outskirts of the baseball field that would eventually lead into a grass field, surrounded by trees.

Looking over my shoulder, I noticed there was now at least ten girls chasing after me, not too far behind me.

Maybe I could outrun them.

Least until I was pushed completely off balance unexpectedly.

I found within seconds, I was tackled over by someone hiding behind a tree, and easily was able to hold me down. To my surprise, this was Danielle.

Before I could speak, her fingers were laced around my neck tightly. I gagged, quickly clenching  my teeth, struggling for air.

"You liar!!!" She screamed, her dark eyes looking right though mine. Her face was dark red, I'd never seen her so angry.

"You promised me you'd help me!! You promised!! All this time I thought you were!! Turns out you were the issue all along!!" She went on, finally releasing my neck.

My neck throbbed as I gasped for breath, coughing weakly. "Y-You're not..l-letting me..help!!"

Danielle thrusted her knuckles across my face, "Bullshit! You were the reason everyone hated me!"

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