Meet My Friends

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You might be surprised to hear I went back the next day, then again, at that time I didn't know what other choice I had.

My body still terribly ached from the last fight Colin and I had, especially my head. My arms were still weak. My legs were only strong enough to walk. Hardly even that.

I waited patiently infant of his house, which wasn't too far from mine.  Quietly, I leaned against a tree, turning my attention to the garage door as it rattled open with a low hum.

"Today, you get to meet some of my friends." Colin explain, gesturing me to follow him up the hill.  I did nothing but nod, afraid to speak or question who these "friends" were.

We walked for at least ten minutes till reaching one house in particular on the other side of the neighborhood, which was surrounded by trees and long stretches of bark.

I followed Colin closely behind, pushing through several tree branches before reaching a small clearing. Three boys, stood in the open, as if they were waiting for us to arrive.

"So this is the girl you told us about," One of them smirked, his eyes inspecting me from top to bottom.

I didn't recognize any of the boys. They all looked about my age, maybe a little older.

One of them stepped forward, his hazel eyes, looking sharply at me. "I hear you're very obedient to our friend."

Colin scoffed, crossing his arms, "Because she knows what happens if she isn't."

This was going somewhere. I could sense it.

"Mind if I ask something of her?" The boy smirked, quickly exchanging glances with Colin, who nodded quickly. "I don't see why not. After all, she can't say no."

"Oh really?" His eyes widened a little in amusement. Something was obviously already on his mind, "We'll see about that."

The boy took another step forward, leaning down slightly, just to whisper four words in my ear.

"Take off your shirt," He demanded.

I glanced at Colin nervously, then at the other boys, feeling my legs shake.

"Well go on!" The boy chuckled taking another step towards me. Immediately, I took a step back.

"Don't be shy! I'll tell you what, I'll show you mine if you show me yours!" He continued to laugh at my shocked reaction.

I swung my fist against his face in pure rage, my mouth completely open. Which I immediately regretted doing afterwards.

All at once, Colin, the two other boys walked toward me laughing in amusement.

The boy glared at me, snatching my arm, "D-Did you just hit me?"

"Stop it," I muttered, trying to pull away, but froze as the two other boys grabbed my other arm, and helped him pin me against the wooden fence.

All of them giggled. It was impossible for me to break free-I was outnumbered.

"Don't do this!!" I screamed, shaking my head in terror.

A choked on air as I felt a a hand tightly clasp around my throat. It was Colin's, a finger against his lips, which were curved into a long smirk.

I gagged against his hand, flinching at the sound of my shirt tearing.

"P-Please.." I whispered, hardly able to breath against Colin's firm grip, tears streaming down my cheeks. Gradually I felt his fingers release my neck. I coughed, groaning in between breaths-My throat stung from coughing continuously, gasping for air.

"Speak," He demanded, watching me with an impatient glare,

My fingers curled into tight fists at the sudden sound of another quick tear. I gazed in awe at the sight of my distorted shirt lying against the ground. I scrambled for words to say.

"P-Please..don't do this," I begged, starting to shiver against the fence, an even colder chill running down my spine.

"Ah, so now you're afraid of me. Aren't you? I like that." He scoffed, taking a step back, crossing his arms, that same sarcastic smirk stretching across his face.

The rest of the boys chuckles amongst themselves, continuing to pull every inch of clothing off me, keeping my arms and legs against the fence. 

I cannot describe how vulnerable I felt standing there in front of four boys I hardly knew.
I cannot describe how afraid I was.
I cannot describe how broken I felt, the utter sadness consuming my mind.
Regrets-it's all that was on my mind. Every single mistake I've ever made that led up to this very moment. I regretted every stupid decision I ever made. Here I was, making another one.

I felt like screaming, but I could't, not with yet another hand around my throat.
I felt like running, but I didn't, I was too weak to run.
I felt like fighting them, but I was outnumbered, and there was no escaping.
I was trapped.

It was a twisted game Colin played. He'd tell me to do something, expecting no questions to be asked. If I refused, he'd find some way to convince me to never refuse again, and it worked. It's a dirty, messed up, game. That has no explanation.

I came to a conclusion this was all for pure enjoyment. Least for Colin.

This was just punishment for my attempt in fighting him, yet again. I'll say this, it certainly wouldn't be the last time.

Several hours had went by, the sun was just beginning to set and paint the skies a beautiful, hazy orange gloom.

I'd picked up what was left of my garments, covering as much as I could (which wasn't very much). I had marks all over my body; scabs over my hands, arms and legs, scratches down my back from the wooden fence scraping against my back.

My legs ached and shook violently as I dragged myself home-luckily no one was home.

I threw away my torn up outfit. It's not like they'd be of any use anymore.

I sat in the shower, hugging my legs tightly, letting the warm water poor against my back.

I was still shivering.

I was going to fight Colin again, except this time I was going to win.

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