Dark Eyes & Bloody Fists

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Screaming seemed pointless. Trying to escape seemed just as pointless. Every blood curdling scream I let escape my mouth was just pure music to Colin's ears.

"Tell me now!!" Colin spat, lifting up my chin so I could see his dark eyes. I couldn't do anything but glare back at him from the floor, chocking on my own tears.

It was too gloomy to see much detail of anything, however, I could depict who was who, and when I was about to be struck.

I felt something thick slowly drip from my nose and seep down through the cracks of my lips. It was unbearably sweet and warm. I couldn't do much more than gag against my own blood as it dropped down my throat.

Teeth sunk harder into my shoulder, the pain sent an unexpected squeal out of my mouth; pain radiated throughout the upper half of my body.

Everyone froze at the sound of two musical notes echo throughout the house.

"Shut her up now!" Colin spat, pacing down the stairs with heavy footsteps.

I screamed for as long as I could, which was only for a brief second before a hand clasped around my neck, and another around my mouth. Stunned, I felt myself gag against the tight grip, immediately growing quiet. My heart raced at the sound of Kyle's voice.

"Where is she?" I heard Kyle shout from downstairs angrily.

Over and over in my mind I thought about the possibilities of what could happen. I fight my way out and run. Colin fights Kyle till one of them can't get up, or Colin simply shuts the door and ignores Kyle. Unless Colin was afraid Kyle would tell someone else.

"Fuck off," Colin growled loud enough to send another cold shiver down my back.

Suddenly everything went quiet, a heavy thud shaking the floor beneath me-Colin shut the door, but was he outside?

I was losing air, already my mind went into a drift of partial consciousness.

Fake it. Pretend to be dying.

I came to a conclusion this idea was my way out. It was risky, but I wasn't going to let Colin pick on Kyle.

Gradually, I let my eyes flutter shut and head limply lean back. I took small breaths, intaking little oxygen as possible and stayed still against the ground as I could.

"Hey! Look at me!" One of the boys spat, removing his hand from my mouth to slap me across the face. Despite the pain, I let my head turn to the side as he struck it.

I felt the grip slightly loosen around my neck, but stay gently clasped around my throat.

"What the hell is wrong with her? Wake her up!"The second boy asked, quite baffled by my sudden condition.

Grab his arm when he hits you again.

The harsh jolt of knuckles thrust across my face send my mind into a wave of anger. All at once, my eyes flashed open, quickly grabbing the boy's wrist then wrapped my leg around his arm, pulling him by the wrist towards me. The boy fell forward, I heard him curse in shock. I felt his arm struggle to pull away from my grip, so I bent my leg around his arm tighter so it was secured. His fingers tightened around my neck in shock-I couldn't breath again. Desperate for air, I swung my free fist against his neck, hearing the boy cry out in pain, and let go of my neck. Suppose you could say I took this to my advantage and continued to punch him in the throat, keeping his arm stuck between both my legs. The boy coughed and gagged each time I punched him. I only stopped as soon as he fell back for breath against the carpet. A harsh kick against the back shifted my attention, feeling my entire body collapse forward.

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