Beautiful Disaster (Dem's Story)

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Beautiful Disaster 


One Day

Ten years ago...


I sat in a chair next to mom’s hospital bed. She looked so frail as if she could break by the slightest touch. Danny was curled up on the floor asleep. I heard a knock on the door then Dr. Carlson walked in. The look on his face told me he came bearing bad news.

“How long?” I aksed.

“One day. The cancer has completely taken over. There is nothing left for us to do.” Dr. Carlson answered. He had learned to be straight forward with me instead of sugar coating the truth.

“Thank you.” I kissed my mom’s hand and walked over to where Danny was sleeping. I kissed her on the forehead then left.

Once I left the hospital I caught taxi and went home, but first I stopped by the post office to pick up the packages I knew were waiting for me.. As soon as I walked through the door I went to the computrr and pulled up the spell I was about to do. When Dr. Carlson told me two weeks ago he didn’t think mom would live much longer I became desperate. There was no way I could live without her. A social worker had come by the next day to tell me that Danny and I would be separated. I couldn’t do that to my baby sister. So I turned to the internet. I had found a demon summoning spell on some cults website. 

I tore open the packages I had and mived the ingrediants as the instructions told me to do. I grabbed the knife I had laid beside me and cut my palm adding the last ingrediant to the mixture. I looked at the computer screen and began chanting the spell from the website. All of a sudden the lights began to flicker rapidly and a fire burst to life in the fireplace. Out of the flames walked a woman in a black dress with dark brown hair.

“Well, you’re much younger than my usual clients.” She smirked.

“I need to make a deal.” I told her.

“No shit Sherlock.” The demon crossed her arms.

“I want you to cure my motheer of cancer.” I get straight to the point knowing I don’t have much time.

“That’s a huge request.” The demon stated.

“I know, but if she dies my little sister and I get separated. I can’t let that happen.” I shook head.

“I’ll do it, but it is going to cost you more than it would others.” The demon smiled wickedly.

“I don’t care what happens to me as long as mom and Danny are tofether.” I stated.

“Ok, instead of getting fifteen years to live you only get six. This is your last chance to get out of the deal before it is sealed.” The demon warned as she circled around me.

“Just to make sure we are in agreeance. My mother will live and she and Danny won’t ever be separated.” I made my terms clear before  I sealed the deal.

“Yes, now to seal the deal I must mark you.” The demon snatched my arm and pulled me over to the fire.

“How do you mark me?” I asked curiously.

“I brand you.” The demon pulled a piece of metal shaped like an x out of the fire and pressed it hard into the top side of my right hand.

“Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!” I screamed out in agony as tears streamed down my face. I looked down at my hand to see the x burnt into my skin. I clutched my hand to my chest to stop the blood from staining the floor.

“In six years that brand will burn red on the same date and the same hour as you made the deal. Do not try to run because if you do we will get the Hell hounds on you and that’s not a pretty sight.” The demon smirked then walked back into the flames. No twelve year old should have to do what I just did.

“God, please forgive me, but I had no other choice.” I prayed hoping to be heard.

I ran back to the hospital to check my mother’s progress. You can imagine my fury when two days went by and there was no change in her condition. Each day Dr. Carter would say she only had one day left, but the next morning mom would still be alive. It wasn’t until a month later that we got the news. Dr. Carlson rushed into the room without knocking startling Danny and it.

“Demetrious, you will not believe the test resulst I just recieved from the lab. It‘s a miracle!” Dr. Carlson exclaimed out of breath.

“What is it doc?” I asked.

“These test results show that the cancer is slowly going away. Your mother should be in remission within the next six months.” Dr. Carlson smiled.

“Thanks Doc. That’s awesome news. You hear that Danny? Mom’s going to live and we get to all stay together.” I ran over and gave my little sister a bear hug.

“Dem, you’re squishing me.” Danny said, her voice muffled by my shirt. I set her down and walked over to mom taking her hand into mine.

“I love you so much mom. I hope you will forgive fro what I did when the time comes.” I kissed her on the cheek.

I did what I had to do to keep my family together. I just pray that God shows me mercy when that demon comes to collect me.

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