Chapter 19 (The Prophecy)

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Beautiful Disaster

Chapter 19

The Prophecy


The next morning Marcus and I stood where Leo had appeared to me the day before. I stood there with my hands in my pockets and Marcus was looking at his nails with a bored expression on his face. Suddenly we heard a popping sound and we both looked up.

"Greetings Dem, Marcus." Leo smiled at us. There was another man standing next to him. I assumed he would be the one training us.

"Can we cut the pleasantries and get down to business?" Marcus snapped.

"Of course. This is Ezekiel. He will be training the both of you. You will Have a month to master your powers. At the end of the month you will be given your assignments. First I need to tell you about the prophecy." Leo talked and I listened. Marcus just looked as if he was uninterested.

"What prophecy?" I asked curiously.

"There is a prophecy about an angel with special powers who will defeat Lucifer once and for all." Leo explained.

"Please do tell." Marcus gestured with his hand.

"The chosen one shall be a beautiful maiden born a human. On the eve of her 20th year on Earth she will die at the hands of a demon.

She will return to Heaven to train as an Angel to defeat Lucifer once and for all.

She will be Heaven's secret weapon. She will not be an ordinary Angel.

The chosen one will posses powers greater than any Angel in Heaven." Leo finished and I was stunned.

"So the fate of the world falls on the shoulders of a twenty year old little girl?" Marcus scoffed in disbelief.

"Yes, and you will each play a role in her death and training." Leo informed us.

"Why us?" I questioned confused.

"We have our reasons. Ezekiel will take over from here. Ezekiel." Leo nodded towards the angel standing next to him. Then he nodded towards us before disappearing.

"Alright guys. Lets get down to business.." Ezekiel rubbed his hands together grinning like a mad man.

"I don't want to train with him." Marcus shoved his thumb in my direction.

"Ok then I'll work one day with you and one day with Dem. Who wants to go first?" Ezekiel asked. Marcus just huffed and walked off.

"I guess it's just me and you pretty boy. And call me Zeek by the way." I nodded and held my fists up.

Zeek shook his head and burst out laughing.

"Not that kind of training. This kind of training." Zeek waved his hand and suddenly I was hovering two feet off the ground.

"What the hell! Put me down!" I exclaimed.

"Ok ok don't piss yourself." Zeek laughed as my feet touched solid ground.

"I have to learn how to do that?" I asked in shock.

"Yup, and I only have a month to train you and Marcus." I had a feeling I would like Zeek.

Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I would train with Zeek. Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday Marcus would train with him. Sundays were our off days. We would chill and sometimes we would practice on each other. Marcus seemed to take to the demon power thing way better than I did. I had control of my powers, but I could never use them to hurt someone. Even as a demon I still had compassion for others. Marcus, on the other hand, didn't.

"How do you do it?" I asked picking up myself after Marcus had thrown me into yet another cliff. It had been two weeks since we started training.

"I just turn off my emotions." Marcus replied as if it was no big deal.

"Dude, I can't do that." I shook my head.

"Then let's hope you're not the one who has to kill the girl." Marcus sneered.

"You know what? Screw off!" I shouted at him then walked away.

Two weeks later Marcus and I stood in front of Leo and Zeek again. This time we were getting our assignments. I was nervous. I didn't want to be the one to kill the girl. If that was my assignment then I would just refuse it. Marcus stood next to me as if he didn't have a care in the world.

"Hello boys." Leo greeted us.

"Just give me my assignment so I can get away from this pansy." Marcus snapped.

"First things first. I want to see what you have learned. Fight each other." Leo smirked.

I didn't even get a chance to respond because Marcus flung me up in the air and to the ground within a maters of seconds. I fought back instantly but I didn't deal as much damage to him as he was dealing me. Marcus was much more aggressive than I was. After a few minutes of fighting Leo held his hand up gesturing for us to stop.

"I see what you were talking about." He leaned over speaking quietly to Zeek.

"Now will you give us our assignments?" Marcus asked impatiently.

"Yes, come with me Marcus. Den, Zeek will inform you of your mission." Leo motioned for Marcus to follow him. Once we were alone Zeek looked at me

"Please tell me I don't have to kill the girl because I'm telling you right now I won't do it." I told him in a firm voice.

"No, you will be helping the angel in charge of training the girl." Zeek informed me and I released a breath of relief.

"Good, I couldn't kill someone." I confessed.

"I know that and I think Leo saw that as well." Zeek agreed.

"When do we go back to earth?" I asked.

"Marcus will be leaving today with Leo. You will be leaving in two months." I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion.

"Marcus needs to follow the girl around and get to know her daily routine. You'll come into the picture when Brian, the angel who you will be working with, goes to earth." Zeek explained.

"I guess that makes sense." I agreed.

"Alright, it was great working with you." Zeek shook my hand.

After Zeek, Marcus, and Leo left I found myself in complete solitude. It was nice to be alone for a change. I had gotten used to the quietness surrounding me. That night I decided to check in on Hope. It had technically been two years since I left. The last time I checked in on her she was getting closer to Ethan Avery. Although I hated the guy, I had to admit he made her happy. And as long as Hope was happy, then so was I. I concentrated on my angel and when her image popped up my heart broke. Teats streamed down my face as I watched my soulmate give her heart to another man.

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