Chapter 17 (Marcus' Story)

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Beautiful Disaster

Chapter 17

Marcus' Story


I walked around until I found Marcus propped up against a rock. I repeated what Leo told me to tell him. Marcus just grunted in response. I was getting more than fed up with the silent treatment he was giving me.

"Look man, I know you don't want to be here with me just as much as I don't want to be here with you-" I started to rant but Marcus interrupted me.

"Look, you don't know me, I don't know you. Let's keep it that way." He pushed by me.

"Seriously, how are we supposed to work together if you're going to act like a douche. What you did couldn't have been that bad if you're here with me." I yelled after him. Marcus stopped and turned around. I could almost see the waves of anger rolling off of him.

"Listen here you little punk. You have no idea what I am capable of. If I wanted to I could kill you in a matter of seconds." Marcus growled.

"Well, since you're not in the sharing mood, I'll start by telling my story. Don't worry I'll tell you the short version. You cool with that?" I asked.

"If it will get you to shut the Hell up then yes." Marcus replied and sat back down and leaned up against his rock once again.

"When I was twelve my Mom was dying from cancer. The doctor had given her a day to live. I didn't want my sister and I to be separated so I went online and found a summoning spell. I didn't think it would work, but it did. The demon gave me six years to live before she came back to collect my soul. In those six years I ended up falling in love. She watched as the demon dragged me to Hell. Now I'm stuck here with you." I finished the brief version of the story.

"You went to hell for saving your mother. Man, that's some f*ucked up sh*t." Marcus shook his head.

"Yeah, I know. Believe me, I'd give anything to be with her. my little sister, and Hope again." I admitted.

"Hope, that's your girl's name?" Marcus asked.

"Yeah, she was an angel if I ever met one." I told him as I imagined what her beautiful face looked like.

"You're lucky. I didn't have anyone to love me except for my little sister. She was sixteen." Marcus looked at me.

"Sometimes I wish I didn't have so many people that cared about me on earth. It would make being here that much easier." I confessed.

"I see your point. Since you told me your story I wi tell you mine." Marcus took a deep breath.

"That's all I was asking for." I replied.

"You see, I come from the bad side of town. The streets are filled with gang members. Most of the teenage girls are pregnant by the time they turn sixteen. Our parents are alcoholics, drug addicts, or both. We didn't grow up in a nice suburban subdivision like you did. We had it hard. Where I come from you join a gang or get the hell beat out of you on a daily basis.

My parents didn't care about me and my sister. I had to run the streets to make money for us to survive. I was trying to save up enough money to get us out of there when I turned eighteen. I was going to take Jessie and run. One night I was out on the street when I got word of a gang rape that was happening in the back alley behind Scruffy's bar. I didn't think anything of it until I got there and saw who the girl was.

I started screaming at them to stop. I tried to fight them, but they held me down and made me watch as each of them took their turn with my baby sister. When they were through they released me and I ran to her. I had to carry her home because she couldn't walk. I vowed to her that night that I would get my revenge.

The next day I took her to our aunts house. I told her that our parents ran off and left us to fend for ourselves. She immediately agreed to take us in. I lied and told her I had to go back to get a few things. When I got back to our house the gang that had raped my sister was waiting for me. One of my gang members had snitched. I never stood a chance against all six of them. I did take out two before they shot me in the head. There you have it. That's my story. I did nothing heroic like you did. I'm a cold blooded murderer." Marcus hung his head.

"Damn! I think I would have done the same thing if someone had done something like that to Danny. I completely understand why you did what you did. I was very protective over Danny. She hated it, but I felt as if it was my duty as her brother to protect her. Whether you believe it or not, what you did was heroic. " I said honestly.

"You're alright, Dem isn't it?" Marcus asked.

"Yep." I replied popping the 'p'.

"When we get back to Earth nothing changes between us. Whatever we have to do there won't be any favors." Marcus warned me.

"I wasn't asking for any favors." I never expected any in the first place.

We both fell back into silence and eventually I wandered off to the waterfall where I stayed most of the time. I thought about Marcus' story. There's no doubt in my mind that I wouldn't have done the same thing. I didn't believe either one of us deserved the hand fate dealt us. Still, we both had to play with the hand we were dealt.

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