Chapter 11 (Don't Say Goodbye)

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Beautiful Disaster

Chapter 11

Don't Say Goodbye


The last few weeks of high school seemed to fly by. Before we knew it, it was the day fo graduation. Timed seemed to slip away from me. The clock was ticking and I had yet to tell Hope that I loved her. For some reason I just couldn't let the words pass my lips. I wanted so badly to say those words but I thought that if I didn't say them then just maybe it would be a little easier on both of us when I left. I was quickly finding out how wrong I was. With each passing day I found myself wanting to say those three words more and more. What makes it so bad is that Hope was being patient with me. Not once had she complained about me not telling her I love you. I think she could tell that I already loved her. Knowing that made me feel ten times guiltier than I already did.

"Dem, its time to go sweetie." Mom called from downstairs.

"Coming Mom." I yelled as I made my way down to where she and Danny were standing.

"Oh, my baby boy is graduating today." Mom's eyes glistened with unshed tears.

"Mom, can't you at least wait until I get my diploma to cry?" I whined.

"I'll try." She smiled swiping the tears away.

Once we arrived at the school I went backstage where all my other fellow graduates were gathering. I immediately found my group of friends huddled together. I pushed through my other classmates until I was able to wrap my arms around Hope's waist.

"You made it!" Hope exclaimed as she turned around and kissed me.

"Well of course I did. What made you think I would miss my own graduation?" I asked her.

"I didn't." She replied.

"You guys, this is the last time we will ever be in this school as students. After today we'll be alumni." Holly cried.

"It's so sad. I'm going to kiss you guys when I go to Georgia this fall." Chelsea wailed.

"Awe, you guys are making me cry." Hope wiped a few tears away.

"Hey guys, I just wanted to wish you all the best of luck with your lives." Ethan Avery, our classes valedictorian, said as he passed by us.

"Thanks Ethan. You too!" Hope gave him a warm smile that for some reason didn't sit well with me.

"There's a party at my house tonight and you all are all invited." Ethan looked directly at Hope as he was addressing the rest of us.

"That sounds great! We'll definitely check it out." Holly answered. Ethan's smiled faded and he turned to go greet other students.

A few minutes later they had us all lined up and ready to walk into the auditorium. The opening statement was given then Ethan gave his speech. It was the same old thing about how we made it together and blah, blah, blah. I really didn't pay much attention. Then each of our names were called one by one. I was one of the first ones called since my last name started with a "C". I watched as each of my friends walked across the stage to get their diplomas. Finally, it was Hope's turn. She walked with such grace. It was as if her heels never touched the floor. She smiled brilliantly for her Mom and my Mom as they were both sitting together.

Once were announced as graduates we all threw our caps into the air as they played our class song. We had done it. We were finally high school graduates. I quickly found Hope and picked her up spinning her around making her squeal with delight. I kissed her once she was settled on her feet. All our friends gathered around us in a group hug. All of our mothers crowded around us to take group pictures. Then we went our separate ways to celebrate with our families before we partied the night away.

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