Chapter 29 (Trying Not To Love You)

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Beautiful Disaster

Chapter 29

Trying Not To Love You


“I’ve been dying to tell you that no matter how hard I try to not love you I can’t do it. It’s impossible. I love you and need you so much. I know it won’t be easy, but I want to be with you. I’m not running anymore. What we had is worth fighting for and I finally realized that last night when I fought Ethan for my freedom.” Hope looked into my eyes. I was shocked that she was even here.

“I am so glad you are here. Not being with you was tearing me up. I had actually planned to go to you today, but you beat me to it.” I could see relief was over her as I sopke

“I’m so sorry for waiting so long. I wanted to jump into your arms the day you came to the park, to our tree.” Hope admitted.

“I know beautiful. I could see it in your eyes. I just had to be patient. I knew you would come back to me.” I smiled and cupped her cheek getting ready to kiss her. I pulled back when I felt her flinch. That was when I saw the bruise on her cheek.

“Dem?” Hope questioned.

“He hit you.” I growled. The son of a bitch had hit my angel and hurt her.

“I wasn’t lying when I said I had to fight him for my freedom.” Hope joked.

“It’s not funny. I am going to kill him.” I promised.

“Dem, I just got you back. Please, don’t do anything that could get you sent away from me.” Hope pleaded. Right then I knew that we were ok. It was the moment I realized that she was finally mine forever.

“I’ll never leave you again, angel.” I promised before capturing her lips with mine. She was mine, all mine. Finally, Hope and I were together again. It felt as if I could breathe again. I put all my emotions into that one kiss. Through that kiss so many promises were made. And for once, I knew I would be able to keep those promises. The beautiful angel I was holding in my arms was everything to me. Trying to let her go and waiting for her to come to me was the hardest thing I had ever done even if it was the right thing to do.

That day Hope and I just laid there with each other. We didn’t talk. We didn’t have to talk to tell each other what we were feeling. Our bodies were so attuned to one another that we just knew what the other felt or was thinking. You would think after being away from each other for years it would go away, but it never did. We just held onto each other until we both drifted off to sleep. It was the best sleep I had gotten back from Hell.

One month later I introduced Hope to Brian and Gemma. I was back to attending classes with them at the local community college. Hope and Gemma were instant friends. We were spending the day with them one Saturday when Gemma announced that she and Brian had some good news.

“What is it?” Hope asked excitedly.

“I’m pregnant!” Gemma exclaimed.

“Ahhhhhhh!!!” Brian and I had to cover our ears to block out their high pitched squeals.

“Congrats man.” I slapped Brian on the back.

“Yeah, I’m pretty excited.” Brian admitted.

“You should be.” Hope replied after she and Gemma recovered from their little fit.

“Dem, when are you and Hope going to have a baby?” Gemma looked at me.

“Hopefully, after we get married. I’m enjoying having her to myself right now.” I answered as I pulled Hope closer to me.

“You’re so selfish.” Hope smack my chest.

“I have a right to be selfish with you.” I smirked.

“You sure do.” Hope smiled up at me and I pecked her on the lips.

“You guys are so mushy.” Brian joked as he scrunched his face up.

“Shut up man, you know you and little Gem do the same.” I chuckled.

“We do.” Gemma backed me up.

“Ok, so Dem let’s go to the living room so I can kick your ass at football and leave the women folk here in the kitchen to gossip.” Brian nodded towards the living room.

“Sure thing, but I believe it will be you who will be taking the ass kicking.” I joked.

We each kissed our girl on the cheek and left them to talk in the kitchen. About twenty minutes into the game Brian paused it. I shot him a confused look, but quickly realized he had a serious look on his face.

“Dude, what is it?” I asked.

“There’s something I need to talk to you about. I didn’t know about what I’m about to tell you until we found out Gemma was pregnant.” Brian stated.

“Ok, I’m listening.” I set my controller down and gave him my full attention.

“Because Gemma and I were angels we still have angel blood running through our veins. That means any children will be half angels.” Brian said.

“So, I’m guessing since I was a demon any child Hope and I will be half demon?” I concluded.

“Exactly, I didn’t know any of this until Gabriel appeared to me to warn me.” Brian confessed.

“What do you mean warn you?” I questioned.

“Because the child will have angel blood running through it, he or she must choose to be human or an angel at the age of twenty one.” Brian explained.

“And the same goes for half demons?” I guessed.

“Yup, if they choose to be human they will be stripped of all powers they would receive in their supernatural form. If they choose to become a full blooded angel or demon then they would be taken away to train in Heaven and Hell.”

“That’s kind of messed up. I thought the deal Gemma made with Gabriel and the others prevented them from messing with us.” I pointed out.

“It does. They didn’t say anything about our children.” Brian sighed.

“So they screwed us over?” I raised my voice.

“That’s exactly what they did.” Brian agreed.

Brian switched the game back on signaling the end of our conversation. A few hours later the girls ushered us into the kitchen to eat dinner. The whole time I was trying to figure out how to tell Hope that are children would be half demons. It had me stumped. I finally decided the best way to tell her was to just be honest and tell her everything.

Later that night Hope and I were getting ready for bed. I decided to go ahead and get the dreaded conversation out of the way. Whatever her reaction was I would deal with it. I knew if I didin’t tell her now it would only get harder.

“Hey angel, I need to talk to you about something Brian told me today.” I started.

“What is it?” Hope questioned as she sat down on the bed beside me.

I broke into the full story. I told her everything Brian had told me. Once I started talking, it all rushed out. I kept looking in her eyes trying to decipher how she was feeling, but I came up empty handed each time.    

“Please tell me what you are thinking?” I begged.

“I love you, and I know our life together won’t be easy. But Demetrious, look at me.” Hope lifted my chin up so I was looking into her eyes. “I’m not going to give up on this love just because it might be hard. That just means we’ll have to work harder to keep this amazing thing we have. So what if our child is a half demon. I will love him or her just the same. And when it’s time for him or her to make their decision, I will support them a hundred and ten percent.” My heart swelled with love for this amazing woman sitting next to me. We were going to be ok. As long as we had each other, nothing else mattered. We would overcome any obstacles and hardships that were thrown our way together.

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