Chapter 26 ( What Huts the Most)

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Beautiful Disaster

Chapter 26

What Hurts the Most


I was a wreck as I shut the door to my house and locked it. I slid down the wall beside the door frame and drowned in my tears again. He was back. The one man I hadn’t been able to get out of my head for almost four years. This was the man I had cried countless times over. The one who took half my heart with him to Hell. And now he’s back; he wants me back. How in the hell was I going to explain this to Ethan, my husband?  The man I had married because I had grown to love.

Dem coming back messed up the perfect façade I had created in order to convince my family and friends I was over him. Seeing him today changed everything. It was so hard to just walk away from him and not run into his arms. Why would he come to the one place he knew I would be? Kristy or Danny had to have told him I would be there. They knew about my secret visits. Why couldn’t he stay away? I’m sure they told him I was married to Ethan. Yet, there he was begging me to come back to him.

What hurts the most is he was right when he said we could have been great together. Now we will never get the chance to know. I loved him-no- I still love him so much that it hurts to not be with him. There are so many things I wish I could say to him, but I can’t. Dem and I could never be together again. I am married to Ethan. I love him; I really do. Sure, I don’t love him near as much as I love Dem, but I would never risk our marriage or the reputation we have built in our community. For Dem to just waltz in and expect me to run to him with open arms was stupid. How dare he think everything could just go back to the way it was? Even if it was great and we were perfect together.

I bang my fist on the floor in frustration. Why did he have to come back now? Why couldn’t it have been sooner? If he would have come back before Ethan and I had gotten married things would be different. I would have left Ethan without a second thought. I hear the grandfather clock in the living room chime letting me know that it is almost four in the evening. Ethan would be home in two hours and I had done not one thing in the house. I quickly get up and head to the kitchen to start dinner.

Once I have the casserole in the oven I make a quick sweep of the house making sure everything is spotless. There is no need to have Ethan on my back tonight. I knew I wouldn’t be able to handle it with my emotions so out of order. The oven timer beeped letting me know the casserole was done just as Ethan was pulling into the garage. I let out a breath of reliefe as I pulled the casserole out and set it on the table. Ethan walked through the door and Gave me a quick kiss on the cheek without saying anything to me and I sat his plate and glass of iced tea down in front of him.

“How was your day?’ He asked as he took his first bite. If any other person were to ask me that I would be pleased to answer, but this was Ethan asking. He didn’t care about how my day went. The only reason he asked is so I would give him a detailed explanation of what I had done all day.

“It was good. I cleaned the house and put the new drapes up. Then I went to lunch with Danny and Kristy. I came home and read a bit before starting dinner. How was your day?” I questioned.

“Fine. Lunch with Danny and Kristy again? Don’t you have better things to do than hang out with your exes family? I really don’t like you being around them.”Ethan stated. Great, it looked like I wasn’t going to get to see Danny and Kristy anymore. I guessed I should tell him about Dem’s return as well. It would be better if he heard it straight from me.

“Dem is back. Kristy told me today at lunch.” I pushed the food around on my plate not m=wanting to face him.

“You are not to see him. Do you understand? If I hear of you even speaking about him there wikl be consequences. Is that clear?” Ethan’s tone of voice was deathly cold.

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