Chapter 23 (Meeting Gemma)

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Beautiful Disaster

Chapter 23

Meeting Gemma


I was at the warehouse where Brian and I were supposed to train Gemma for her death. Brian and Gemma would be here any minute, but my mind was on Hope. I couldn't get Brian's words out of my head. There was no chance of me returning to Earth after this. It made me so angry to think that Brian was an angel and he couldn't even grant me this one wish. I would give anything to to hold her in my arms again, to kiss her soft lips, or to just hear her say 'I love you' again.

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard Brian enter the warehouse with Gemma. He was telling her what we were doing today. Hearing his voice made me angry. If I couln't ever be with Hope again then I would flirt with every girl in sight. I would make the most of my time here on Earth.

"Ok, we're going to start off slow. I'm going to get you used to being lifted up into the air." Brian explained to Gemma.

"Demetrius get out here." Brian called and I sighed then made my way over to where he and Gemma were standing.

"She's hot." I looked Gemma up and down. She was beautiful, but no female would ever compare to the perfection of my gorgeous Hope.

"Demetrius, if you want to keep breathing you will not think such thoughts about her." Brian all but growled at me. I smirked thinking it could be worth it just to mess with him.

"Fine, let the fun begin." I waved my hand in the air and Gemma rose about a foot off the ground.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!! Put me down!" Gemma screamed terrified by the sudden jolting of her body in the air.

"Demetrius." Brian yelled. I was trying my hardest not to laugh at the horrified expression on Gemma's face and the veins bulging out on Brian's neck.

"Awe come on boss. I was just having a little fun with her." I set Gemma down on her feet. She wobbled a moment before she caught her balance.

"How dare you let him do that to me!" Gemma screeched at Brian.

"He wasn't supposed to lift you off the ground until I gave the command." Brian told her apologetically.

"Fine, I'm ready now." Gemma huffed.

"Ok Demetrius, slowly this time." Brian said sternly.

With the wave of my hand I slowly lifted Gemma up off the ground. I let her sit there for a few minutes getting used to the feeling of being in the air.

"Are you ready to go higher?" Brian asked her.

"Yeah, this isn't so bad." Gemma smiled.

With the nod of Brian's head I lifted her another foot in the air. We continued like this until Gemma was able to reach the beams on the ceiling.

"When do I get to send her flying through the air?" I asked with an evil grin on my face. I only asked hoping to piss Brian off.

"Next month we'll practice that. This month I want her to get used to being in the air and moving slowly.." Brian emphasized the word slowly as if I were stupid and wouldn't understand him if he said it normally.

"That wasn't so bad." Gemma smiled at Brian.

"Yeah, just wait til I send you flying through the air into a wall." I snacked to add effect. I was enjoying getting under Brian's skin and messing with Gemma.

"Demetrius." Brian growled as a horrified expression came over Gemma's face.

Brian shot me a warning glare then lead Gemma out of the warehouse. Apparently our little training session was over. I decided after they left that I liked Gemma. Even though I was messing with her I already felt protective over her.

Once I got back to my apartment I decided to check in on Hope just to make sure she was ok. I closed my eyes and pictured her angelic face. What I saw had me seeing red. Hope was bent over on her knees scrubbing a stain out of the carpet and tears were streaming down her face. I saw Ethan walk into the room and sit down in a brown recliner with a cold beer in his hand.

"That stain better come out Hope. I paid too much for this house for you to ruin it with your clumsiness." Ethan said.

"I'm sorry. I'll do better. Please Ethan, don't be mad at me. I love you." Hope cried as she walked over to him on her knees. I literally growled when he pushed Hope away from him g her to lose her balance and almost hit her head on the coffee table.

"See that's exactly what I'm talking about." I watched as Ethan got up and walked by Hope and out of the room.

I hated seeing her like that. She was my world and she was being mistreated. I should kill the SOB for treating her like that. Hope deserves to be treated like a queen. I would never put her down like that. Ethan is just too blind to see how good he has it.

I will the image of Hope crying out of my mind, but I'm pretty sure it's branded in it. I never wanted this for her. I wanted her to find someone who would love her almost as much as I did. Unfortunately, she is stuck with that jerk off Ethan. I close my eyes and try to sleep, but nightmares of Ethan hurting Hope keep me awake.

I begin to fear for her life and know I need to find a way to protect her. Soon.

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