Chapter 4 (American Honey)

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Beautiful Disaster

Chapter 4

American Honey


It was eighth period on the last day of school before summer vacation and we had ten minutes left of torture. I have no clue as to why mom made Hannah and I come to school today. Hardly anyone was here today. I looked at the clock for what felt like the hundredth time only to see that a measly minute had gone by. No one was talking because we were all looking impatiently at the clock. The second hand was just ticking annoyingly slow. I sighed out of frustration and started tapping my pencil on my notebook. I wondered what Dem and the others were doing.

A paper plane hit me on the arm making me jump. I picked the paper up and unfolded it. Inside was a note from Holly. I forgot I had this class with her. I looked up to see if the sub was paying attention before going to sit by her.

"I so was not smiling." I defended once I sat down beside her.

"You so were! I bet you were thinking about Dem!" Holly smirked.

"So what, I like him. It's not like he's interested in me." I sighed.

"That's not what Jace tells me. According to him Dem can't keep his eyes off of you. Why do you think he is always inviting you to his house and to do things with him?" Holly pointed out.

"Our sisters are best friends." I shrugged ignoring her first comment.

"He likes you. You like him. Everyone else can see it except for you two." Holly replied.

"Well, if he likes me like you say he does, then why hasn't he asked me out?" I questioned.

"I don't know. Maybe you should ask him." Holly answered right before the bell rang.

I was about to say something else when she rushed out of the classroom. I sighed even more confused about Dem than I was before. I gathered my bag up and made my way to the car. As soon as I made it outside an arm draped over my shoulder.

"Ahhh, you smell that?" Dem asked.

"What exactly am I supposed to be smelling?" I asked as I sniffed the air.

"Duh, the smell of freedom." Dem replied giving me a look telling me I should have known what he was talking about.

"Oh, now I know what you're talking about." I chuckled.

"Yup, two and a half months of no teachers and no getting up early." Dem smiled down at me as we stopped by my car.

"That sounds amazing!" I agreed.

"Hey, what are you and Hannah doing tomorrow?" Dem questioned as I got in my car.

"Ummm, nothing that I know of. I'm sure Hannah and Danny have already made plans for the summer though." I told him.

"True, those two are inseparable." Dem nodded.

"Why did you want to know what we were doing?" I questioned curiously.

"Just wondering. I thought maybe we could all hang out." Dem shrugged.

"I'll talk to Hannah and see what she has planned and text you later." I told him as Hannah got in the car.

"Ok cool. I'll talk to you later." Dem smiled then walked over to his car where Danny was waiting.

After getting home Hannah and I talked about her summer plans. Apparently she and Danny were going to some camp for a month in July. I was shocked to hear this seeing as she hadn't mentioned it before. She told me mom and Danny's mom just confirmed this morning that they could go.

I sighed as I lay on my bed thinking about what I could do this summer. Holly was headed to cheer camp. Chelsea and Ian were going to some theatre camp. Mike was interning at some engineering company and Mindy was going to visit family in Eourpe. Even Jace was leaving for a summer football camp. Everyone was leaving except for Dem and I. Thinking of Dem, I grabbed my cell phone and text him.

-Hannah and I would love to hang out with you and Danny tomorrow!- Hope

Dem replied almost instantly.

-Sweet, just come on over whenever you guys wake up.- Dem

-Ok, see you tomorrow :)- Hope

I laid my phone on my night stand and went downstairs to help mom with dinner.

After dinner I laid on my bed reading and listening to music. My mind drifted back to Dem. Does he really like me? Why hasn't he made a move? I sighed and decided to turn in early for the night. I had no clue what tomorrow had in store for me.

Hannah jumped out of the car as soon as I pulled in the Carter's driveway. I just chuckled and shook my head. Its not like she and Danny weren't going to see each other for the rest of the summer. I got out of my car and walked into the house without knocking.

"Hey, I was wondering if you were going to sit outside in your car all day or come in." Dem joked.

"I was actually debating on whether or not to come in." I played along.

"Well, I'm glad you decided to come in." Dem smiled.

"Where did our sisters get off to?" I wondered.

"I have no clue." Dem shrugged.

"Out here guys!" Danny called through the kitchen door.

Dem and I walked out into the back yard only to be attacked with squirt guns.

"Oh my gosh, you guys are so dead!" I yelled.

Dem turned on the hose pipe and started spraying our younger sisters. Two hours later all four of us were soaked through and through. We were sitting in the patio chair trying to dry off some before we went inside.

"I can't believe everyone is leaving for the summer except for me." I complained.

"I'm not leaving." Dem pointed out.

"True, but I doubt you want to hang out with a girl all summer." I told him.

"I'm around you girls all the time." Dem pointed out.

"Ok, but you're going to wish you had someone else besides me to hang out with by the end of the summer." I smirked.

"We'll see." Dem shot me a smirk of his own.

A/N: I chose American Honey because I think it describes Hope as a person,

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