Chapter 2- Family Game Night

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Beautiful Disaster

Chapter 2


Family Game Night

I waited impatiently by my car for Hannah to come out of the house. It was only the second day at our new school and she was going to make us late. I didn't need another detention to add to the one I already had to serve today. Mom was pretty furious to find that I got in trouble on my first day.

"Jeez took ya long enough." I told Hannah as she got in the passenger side.

"I'm sorry, but unlike you I actually want to impress people." Hannah smirked.

"Yeah yeah, if I get another detention because of you I'm going to beat your ass." I grumbled.

"No you won't." Hannah argued.

"You know I will. Oh and my friend Danny, the one we sat with at lunch yesterday, invited me over." Hannah rambled on as I drive.

"That's good. At least one of us is making friends." I replied truly happy to see that my little sister was able to make friends so quickly.

"Yeah and OMG, have you seen her brother?" Hannah squealed.

"Yep, he's the reason I have detention." I confessed as I pulled into a parking spot.

"No way!!! What did y'all do?" Hannah asked literally bouncing in her seat.

"My first period teacher,Mrs. Wilson, - who by the way is a major bitch- gave both of us a detention. He wasn't paying attention and didn't know the answer to the question she asked him and I whispered the answer to him. Some how she heard me and gave us both detention. Me for helping him, and him for not paying attention." I told Hannah the story as we walked into the school building.

"That sucks." Hannah scowled.

"Hannah, Hope!" Hannah's new friend Danny called us over. I reluctantly followed my sister because Danny's brother was standing next to her glaring at any guy that dared to looked Danny's way

"Hey Danny." Hannah greeted her friend.

"Hey Hope. So I'm guessing Hannah told you I invited her over, right?" Danny looked at me.

"Yeah it's cool I have detention anyways." I smiled at Danny and glanced at her brother.

"Awesome! Oh , Dem have you met Hope? She's Hannah's sister." Danny yanked on her brothers arm getting his attention.

"Huh, oh yeah we have the bitch first period." Dem flashed a million dollar smile at me.

"Nicely said. That's just the word I used to describe her to Hannah." I told him.

"What other word is there to describe her?" Dem joked.

"You have a point there." I chuckled.

"Alright, you two younger ladies have a wonderful day, and Danny you know to go straight to the car unless I tell you otherwise." Dem said sternly. You could tell he was really over protective of Danny.

"Yeah Dem I know." Danny sighed annoyed with her big brother.

"You know I only do it to protect you. Love ya baby sis." Dem pecked Danny on the cheek and threw his arm over my shoulder shocking me.

"Love ya too big bro." Danny grabbed Hannah and tugged her down the hallway towards their class.

"So Hope, you want to come chill at my house with your sister?" Dem asked as he walked us in the direction of Mrs. Wilson's room.

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