Chapter 22

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"Wh-what?" I manage to stutter. Didn't he hear that I wanted to get a drink? I really don't want to let him see me dance. I know I'll look weird. What if he saw me dancing before? OMG this is so embarassing. I need to find an excuse.

He just showed a smirk at me. "Come on you heard me. Everyone else is doing it. Trust me you do not want to sit alone in that couch on your birthday." He says.

I need to get out of here. He is right though. Everyone seems to be dancing and I really don't want to be the awkward one sitting down on a couch. But I don't want to make a fool dancing in front of him.

I give him a warm smile and decide to just go with my last excuse. "Okay, I'll just go get a quick drink first." I say while walking past him. I see a glimpse of him nodding and quickly walk to the drinks table as fast as I can. Maybe I should hide incase he comes looking for me.

I grab a cup of punch from the table and gulp the drink down my throat. Turns out I am very thirsty after all that dancing. When I couldn't taste the sweetness of the drink anymore, I put the cup down and turn around to look at the people dancing. How are these people not tired?

I decide to just go to the couch. I walk past a few amount of people searching for the familiar couch. Suddenly I feel someone grip my hand and pulled me through the crowd. I look up and I already know who it was going to be. I've gotten familiar with the way he grips my hand. He twirled ne around before pulling ne close to him.

"Knew you were going to go back to the couch." He says. "What? No...I was trying to make my way through the crowd." I say, trying not to sound fake. He scoffed "Yeah, to the couch."

I mentally groan at how he can predict me so well. It's getting annoying. Why does he want to dance with me so much? Suddenly the music stops and I took that as my queue.

"Oh look the music stopped. Let's go take a break now." I say trying to walk away. But just to ny luck, another song comes. I look back to him and he gave me another smirk. "No it isn't."

He pulled my hand and started jumping around like everybody else around us. The song is very upbeat, like the kind you would hear in a club. Not that I know, considering I have never went to a club.

"Hello??? Earth to Rosie??" I hear him say. I look to him and soon i realize how awkward I look just standing here. "Huh? Look I know how much you want to dance...but I can't dance." I say.

He came closer to me and says, "Nonsense. I saw how you moved before. You can. Here. Just listen to the music and jump around to it."

I try doing as he says. I never tried using this technique before. I usually just jump around. I could hear the music and soon I feel myself moving and jumping to the beat of the music. "Yeah, you got it! See! I knew you could dance." He says.

I start laughing and I find myself actually enjoying this. I feel myself twirling around for no reason at all until I start to feel dizzy. I look back to a familiar pair of green eyes. I feel like everything else has become a blur and all I could see was him. I wanted to lean into him and kiss him, but a voice in the back of my head says you're not his which made me stop.

I look back at him, a concerned expression stretched across his face. "You okay?" He asks. I feel myself look to him blankly. "Hmm? Oh. Yeah. I'm fine. Sorry just tired. I think I'll go sit in the couch now." I say. "Oh ok. I'll come with you. Besides, people seem to be tired dancing anyways." He says. I just give him a small nod and walk to the couch. I took a seat in the middle of the empty couch and Harry followed next to me. We just sat in silence. My mind starts swirling around with questions that I really want to ask him. Why does he want to hang out with me so much? I'm not even his girlfriend, not saying I want to be. But why do I always feel the need to kiss him? Or is this a natural thing that always happen to people after they get kissed by someone? Ugh why is this so confusing?

Soon Claire and the others sat around us. "Hey turns out people are starting to go home. It's getting a bit late. Guess we can't open presents after all. I'm still saying here though. Need to clean this place up." She says. "It's okay. They'll probably get bored with opening presents anyways. And relax, I'll help with the cleaning." I say. Soon a lot of people started saying goodbye to me and I thanked them for coming.

A few minutes later, we are cleaning the place. By we I mean me, Claire, Niall, and Harry. Soon we were all just sitting on the couch for no reason at all. "I think we should all go now. It's getting late." Claire says while standing up from the couch. We follow her and head outside. "Oh by the way, your presents are in Harry's car. I kind of...went here with Niall's car so I need to go with him, if that's okay?" Claire asks quietly. I look to her and give her a teasing wide smile. "Of course that's okay." I say.

She sees my teasing smile and says, "Stop it. Besides, I you're going with Harry anyways." I stop smiling and blush. Now it's her turn to give a teasing smile. "Oh well better go now. Bye Rosaline! Bye Harry!" Claire says while walking next to Niall towards his car. "Yeah bye guys! See you at school!" Niall says to us. We both say our goodbyes to them too and start walking towards Harry's car.

As I went inside his car, I look in the backseat and see a bunch of presents. There were a stack of presents on one side and another stack in the other side. Must be to divide my presents from Harry's. Soon the car starts and we were off. I look out the window and see the streets passing by. I still can't believe that me and Harry have birthdays on the same day.

" party huh?" I hear him ask. I quickly look to him and say, "Yeah. Still can't believe they did that for us. I also can't believe we have the same birthdays." I say. He chuckled, "Yeah what a coincident. And our friends, they are very good at setting up parties, and pulling surprises."

"Yeah I never actually had a party like that before. It was amazing." I say. "You never? My friends always do that to me. But this is the best one yet." He says.

Suddenly I gasp remembering something, not realizing how loud that gasp was. "What?" Harry asks. I look to him and say, "N-nothing. Just...I realize I haven't got you anything for your birthday." I hear him chuckle quietly. "Rose, you don't have to get me anything. Besides I haven't got you anything either." He says. Then I hear him say something under his breath, "you being here is everything I need." Well, at least that's what I think he said. Does he love me? Or is my mind just playing with me right now? Is being a girl always this complicated?

"Oh umm..." I only manage to say. I need to get him something..but what? I try to think of things that he might like. What does he like anyways? I keep on thinking until we arrive at my house. We got out of the car and he helped me carry my presents inside my room, before going back downstairs. "Thanks. I'll help you carry your presents now." I say.

"No you don't have to, really. It's getting late. You should get some rest." He says. I smile at him and give him a nod. "Get some rest too." I say. We are standing in the doorway now just staring at each other, not knowing what to do. I look to him and say, "So..umm..are you going to just stand here all night?" I ask, trying to make things not awkward. "Oh um yeah sorry. I'm going now." he says, his face is clearly embarrassed. I giggle at him and suddenly I feel something missing.

I watch as he walks slowly towards his car, but suddenly he turns around and walks back to stand in front of me. I look to him confused. Maybe he is the one who forgot something, I wonder what. "Wha-" I was about to ask when suddenly he took a deep breath and pulled me closer to him to kiss me; the feeling of something missing disappears in a flash.

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