Chapter 11

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The following day at school, things were going as it usually is. Niall and Harry didn't come, this is the first time I actually noticed that. I then realized that they have been doing that a bunch of times since the first day they got to this school. Surprisingly, both of them are always absent on the same day. The reason is they are probably sick or they have an event to go to. Today their reason was sick. But I don't see any teacher complaining about them at all.

In Math period, which is the last lesson, our teacher told us we are going to have a quiz this week, and the rest of the class was wasted by students complaining about it. I'm just glad to go home already.

When I walked home, I saw an incoming text. It was an unknown number. I opened it and it read

From: Unknown
To: Rosaline
Hey, anything I missed today?

I decided wether or not to reply back. I don't even know who this person is.

From: Rosaline
To: Unknown
Sorry, who is this?

As I put my phone back into my pocket, it vibrated, signaling another incoming message. I decided to wait till I get back home before answering it.

Suddenly I just realized that I had forgotten to wait for Shay. Dammit. But I'm already so close to home. I quickly went inside my house and grabbed my phone to call her.

"Hello?" I heard her voice through the speaker.

"Yeah Shay? Sorry I forgot to wait for you. Are you still at school?"

"Oh wow Rosaline. You forgot about me. Fine I'm walking home now. I can't believe I waited for nothing."

"Sorry." I said before hanging up.

I went upstairs to my room and took out my phone to answer the message from the unknown person.

From: Unknown
To: Rosaline
Oh sorry I forgot. It's Harry. Got your phone number from Shay.

Oh. Wow.

From: Rosaline
To: Harry
Oh. You feeling better? Heard you and Niall are sick today.

He took a long time to read it before replying back.

From: Harry
To: Rosaline
Yeah I guess. Anyways, what did I miss?

From: Rosaline
To: Harry
Nothing much. There is a Math quiz this week, and we learned nothing in Math today. People in class were arguing about it.

From: Harry
To: Rosaline
Oh wow wish I was there to join in but oh well. Thanks for the information :)

I smiled and put my phone away.

"Thanks for leaving me by the way. Good thing I didn't bring my books back home." I heard Shays voice behind me. I turned around and sure enough she was leaning next to the door.

"Sorry Shay. Just got a lot on my mind right now." I said.

"It's okay." She said and left.

----------NEXT DAY-----------

I woke up and thought that I woke up earlier than my alarm. I checked the clock and I had 10 minutes to get to school. OMG. I forgot to set my alarm clock on my phone last night. Ughhh. I quickly jumped out of my bed and took the quickest shower ever. I wore anything I could find in my closet and went out. Noone was outside. Not even Shay.

"Shay?!" I shouted. I couldn't hear her voice anywhere. I quickly went to her room and barged through her door. Noone. "Come on Shay don't play with me!" I shouted again.

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