Chapter 21

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I look around pretending to be distracted by something. Suddenly I feel someones arm circling my waist and soon Harry's face is in front of me.

"Hello again." He says. "Hi." I say, pretending to be surprised. Suddenly he chuckles and whispers, "You don't have to pretend. I know you saw me." I shiver at his voice and blush since I have been caught.

"Enjoying the party?" He asks, handing me a drink. I take a sip while nodding, glad he is changing the subject. "Yeah they surely did a great job in everything." I say.

"Come, I want to show you something." He says while putting his empty cup down. I follow his actions and follow him to walk up the stairs. I wonder where we are going. Is it even legal to go up here?

He opens a door and when we walk through it, I gasp as I see a beautiful view of the city. It is getting late, so the sky is a very nice color. I walk closely to the railing to see a better view of the city.

"Wow." I say breathlessly. I've never seen the city like this before all my life. I could feel someone standing near me, leaning onto the railing. "You like it? Beauty isn't it?" He asks. "Yeah. I think this will be my new favorite secret place to hang out. Well it's not a secret since you know about it." I say shyly. "How did you find this place?" I ask out of curiosity.

"What? A little snooping never hurt anyone." He says. "Do you do that often?" I ask. "What?" He asks back. "Snooping around." I say.

"Well, only when I really want to get to know the place." He says. I just nod and stare at the view again. "You should not do that too much." I tell him. "Why?" He asks.

"Because...who knows what might happen. It might even be illegal." I say, looking to him. He chuckles slightly and says, "Relax, I know my ways." I mentally roll my eyes at him but am secretly proud of myself for the amount of conversation I made.

"Oh there you guys are. What are you guys doing up here? Come on! It's your birthday. Have fun! Oh and we are going to open presents soon." We turn around to see it was just Niall. "Yeah! We'll be inside in a minute." Harry says. Niall just nods and walks back inside.

"Well we should go back inside now." I say, while starting to walk.

"Hey um...I have this party this Saturday night. I was wondering...would you like to come?" He asks. I stop in my tracks and look back at him. "Oh wow. This is the most parties I had in a week. But umm...I'll think about it." I say, giving him a small smile.

I'm not really used to parties. Hell, I don't think I've ever been invited to an actual party before. I wonder what a high school party would be like.

"Oh um great. Make sure to tell me if you are actually coming. I'll text you the address and the time." He says. "Sure." I say before we start to walk back inside.

I see Claire coming up to me. "Hey where have you been? I took out your presents again. Turns out we are going to open them." She says. She looks to me then looks at Harry. She then whispers, "I see you've been hanging out with the H. I wonder what you guys have been doing up there. Hmm??" She wiggles her eyebrows playfully.

I give her a glare to stop, since the H is right next to us. "Oh well better go now. You should join us, and ask him too. After all, it is both of your birthdays." She says giving another playful glare. I slap her playfully but also let out a giggle.

I watch her walk away and I turn back to Harry who is just finished talking to someone. "Hey Harry? Want to join the others?" I ask. "Yeah sure. Where are they?"

"I think they are over there. Come on." I say while walking to where I saw Claire head off to. Well that isn't so hard to find them. Apparantly they are all just sitting in a couch. I look to one side of the couch and see 3 unfamiliar faces. Oh wait...they must be Harry and Niall's friends, the one I saw at the beach. Yeah that must be them.

I look to the other side and see Claire and the girls, with Niall sitting next to her of course. Before I am able to take a seat next to Claire, I hear someone calling me. "Rosaline!" I turn around to be greeted by a hug from my sister. "Happy Birthday big sis! So...what do you think about this party? Cool right" she says. I giggle at her and say, "Yep! Best party I ever had! Thanks sis!"

"That's because this is the only real party you ever had, plus a bunch of hot guys." I gasp at her and hit her arm. "Where's Brad anyway?" I ask.

"Relax, I ain't going to cheat on him with them. Besides, he is hotter. Speaking of Brad, he had to go to the restroom for a while. I put our presents on that table. Oh look here he comes! See you later at the opening presents thing." I watch her go to where Brad is. Brad gave me a wave and I wave back at him.

Soon I turn back to where my friends are sitting and notice that Harry is sitting next to his friends. Claire seems to notice me and gestures me to sit on the empty spot next to her. I quickly oblige and go to sit next to her. I'm getting so tired of standing anyways.

Suddenly, music starts to play and people start to cheer and dance. I listen to the song and realize it is Claire and I's jam.

Usually Claire and I would jump right away when hearing this song and start dancing like crazy. I pray so we don't do that. It's going to be embarrassing, but soon Claire jumps out of the sofa and looks at me excitedly. "Omg come on! Let's dance!" She takes out her hand for me to grab, but I look at her shyly.

She soon forcefully pulls me out of my seat and head off to where the others are dancing. She suddenly dances around to the music while singing the lyrics. I giggle at her and quickly join her, while telling myself that no one is here.

We laugh at each other and jump up and down to the music. Before we know it, the music is over and we are laughing like crazy at each other.

I see Niall coming up behind her and twirl her around, then he turns to me and asks, "May I?" I just smile and nod at him. I decide to just go grab a drink and go back to the sofa.

I turn around and feel my body bump into someone at the process. "Oh sorry. Didn't see you there." I say, embarassed at myself.

I try to walk past the person I bump to but soon I feel my hands getting pulled back, making me face the person again. I look up shockingly to see Harry looking down at me.

"Oh um..hi." I say. "Where are you going?" He asks.

"To get a drink and maybe take a break on the couch." I say while trying to walk past him again, but his hands are still holding mines. I walk back to face him again.

"Umm..." I manage to let out, hoping he would get the point; but nothing. I look up at him, wondering what he wants. I feel myself melting just looking at his beautiful smile.

"Can we dance?" He asks out of nowhere.

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