Chapter 40

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I closed the door behind me and walked towards the bathroom. I was thankful a towel was there already but I realise that I had no clothes to change into. As I decided to walk back downstairs to ask one of the girls if I could borrow any of their clothes, the door opened, and Harry walked in carrying what I assume are supposed to be my clothes.

"These are from Perrie." He says, handing the clothes to me. "Relax, she has tons of clothes kept here. She's been here a bunch of times." I said thank you to him and took the clothes from his hands and placed it inside the bathroom.

He wrapped his hands around my waist again and pulled me close to him. "You feeling better?" He asks. I nodded at him. "Good, because I just gave Louis a chastisement so he would watch out in giving any more alcoholic drinks."

I widened my eyes, not at the part where he scolded Louis, but the part where he used such a big word, chastisement. Interesting.

I noticed the tattoos on his shirtless body and remembered to ask him about it. "How many tattoos do you have?" I ask, examining the tattoos around his body. "Around 54, why?"

"Do each of them have a meaning?" I ask again. "Well, yeah I guess. I'll tell you someday about it."

"I've always wanted a tattoo." I say.

"Really?" He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah. But I asked my parents once, they didn't like the idea of it. Does it hurt?"

"Not really. I'm tough remember?"

I rolled my eyes at him while tracing the outlines of one of his shallows tattoos. "If you did get a tattoo, what would you get? And where would you put it?" He asked me.

I thought about it for a moment, "I'm not sure. But I've always saw those tumblr looking tiny heart tattoos on wrists, and I love it." I say.

We stood silent for a moment, his arms wrapped around me. "Why don't you tell me about the meaning of your tattoos now?" I whine, continuing to trace his tattoos.

His hands grabbed my hands and pinned me against the wall. "Because someone needs to get in the shower." He says. I gave him a pouty face and he came closer to me.

"Or does someone need help taking their clothes off?" He whispered. Speaking of changing, "Did you change me last night?" I ask.

"Maybe." He shrugs. "What? I just magically woke up in your shirt?" I argue.

"I'm surprised you actually didn't wake up while I changed you. Guess Louis was right, you are a deep sleeper." I gasped, "What else did he say about me?"

"Nothing else." He says, but I could tell he was lying by the way he is trying to hold in his laughter, but I let it go for now.

"You better get in the shower now, before I squeeze your ass again...or more." He winked at me. I didn't understand what he meant by 'or more' but I quickly obliged and headed to the bathroom.

I lifted off my shirt and stared at my reflection in the mirror. There was something that caught my eye around my neck. I looked at it a bit more, it looked like some sort of bruise. I wonder where did it come from.

"Harry?" I shout for him to come, hoping he is still outside. Luckily for me, he was. And he walked in the bathroom but stopped, as he saw me only wearing my undergarments. He leaned on the doorway and smirked at me, "Well, well, I wonder what now."

Is he always this flirty? I'm trying to be serious here. " you have any idea what happened to this? It stings." I say, wincing at the pain when I bring my fingers to the bruise.

"Here, let me see." He says, walking over to where I was standing to check the bruise. "Have any idea what it is?" I asked, looking over to him. He had a smirk plastered across his face, "Harry what is that?! How are you just smiling?" I say, suddenly worrying if he is secretly a bad guy that randomly put some sort of poisonous thing inside of me.

He removed his hands from examing the so called bruise and looked to me, "Hmm...should I tell" He says, looking up at the ceiling pretending to think.

"Just tell me what it is. You're scaring me."

With that he came closer to me, and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Guess that's for me to know, and you to find out." He whispers. He then slapped my butt playfully and I shrieked while jumping again.

He chuckled loudly at me, making me annoyed. "Get. Out." I say, pushing him out of the bathroom, while he was still chuckling.

"You touched my butt." He mocks me in his somewhat 'impersonation of me' voice.

I watched him leave the room, and with that I closed the bathroom door and locked it this time.

The shower felt amazing. I dried myself and put on the clothes that I borrowed from Perrie. She gave me a flannel top with short jeans. It fit perfectly on me, not too small, and not too big either.

I went out of the bathroom and as I was about to walk out of the room, Claire was standing in the doorway with her arms crossed but a smile plastered across her face. "Hi." I say.

"Don't you 'hi' me." She says, closing the door behind her and walking over to me.

I sat on the bed and she say next to me. "So...are you going to tell me anything?" She asks, smirking. "Oh umm...are you sure we are going to talk about this now? We kind of had a problem a few days ago." I say looking down.

"Hey, since when have our argument has ever been a problem?" She says. "Now, tell me."

I didn't know how to start. Or how to explain what she wants to hear.

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