Chapter 1

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Hello there! My name is Rosaline Evans. Hmm....don't exactly know where that name came from but the name reminds me of the flower rose. My favorite flower is a rose so that's a coincidence. I was born in California.

Anyways, today is the start of a new school year, and my last one too. I'm so glad. Although I am probably going to miss all the good times I had in here, and the bad. I'm not exactly sure what I want to do after school year. My best friend, Claire, planned to be an actress. But of course, we have to go through college first. She told me to join her. But I'm still trying to find out what I want. I mean, I wouldn't mind being an actress, and I'm kind of happy that I can be an actress with my best friend. It's just that I'm waiting to find out other jobs out there that represents what I really want.

Hmmm...I wonder what to wear on the first day of school. I decided to wear my dark long skinny jeans and my favorite kind-of-long black and white shirt. I don't really have that much outfits in my wardrobe. Or maybe I do, it's just all the other clothes don't make me feel good. I put a bit of makeup on my face such as eyeliner and a lipbalm. I look at the mirror to check how I look. Yep, still the same old me. I grabbed my school bag and put on my converse shoes. Okay...time to go walk to school. I have a car, but my school isn't that far and I'm not carrying that much stuff.

I went out of my room, and saw my parents and my sister in the kitchen. "Good Morning everyone! Sorry I forgot about breakfast." I said. "Morning Rosaline. Excited about school? Get some breakfast before you go." My mom replied. "Oh yeah I am sooo excited for school (sarcasm noted)." I said back.

Then my dad said, "Morning honey. Have fun at school ok?" I replied,"Yeah sure Dad. I'll have SO much fun." Finally, my sister, Shaylene said "Hey sis! Lovin' the outfit you chose. We should probably go now, eat your breakfast and hurry up." "Awww thanks. But your outfit looks nicer. Ugh I need more clothes ahahaha." I grabbed a piece of bread and said goodbye to my parents and went to school with Shaylene.

Me and Shaylene are only one year apart. We are practically the same height. Nobody can actually guess which one is older. I kind of like it that way. Me and her kind of look alike, only her skin is paler. We still have the same brown eye and wavy brown hair. So we kind of look like twins. Our personalities are no different either. So, it's easy to get along with each other.

Our walk to school was very silent. But not in an awkward way. We already got used to being quiet anyways. Finally, we saw a building with the writings 'Montgomery High'. *sigh* yep, we are here. We parted ways heading to our lockers. I'm kind of sad that our lockers aren't close together but oh well. I walked to my locker and saw Claire waiting in front of her locker. Yes, her locker is next to mine :). She didn't see me. I decided to scare her. I poke her two sides and "Boo!" "Ahh omg ahahahaha it's you! OMG I miss you so much!!! It's been so long. We totally need to catch up." "Yeah we should. Hold on..I need to put my stuff in my locker and grab my books."

I grabbed my books and headed to class with Claire. Me and Claire have been best friends since we were kids. So we basically knew each other more than we should. Claire has beautiful straight black hair and brown eyes. Our heights are the same too.

We didn't hung out much during the holidays because we went to different places. So we basically just talked about what we missed while walking to our class.

We have other close friends in the class but we mostly hung out with each other. We walked inside the class and our friends were waiting for us. They greeted us and we just talked about our holidays and how we plan to catch up with each other. We are kind of the quiet people in the class, but that doesn't mean we aren't loud. I wouldn't consider our squad as a popular group, we are more of the fun, casual-loving people in the class.

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