Chapter 28

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"Help!" I shouted, giggling. "Let go of me!" I say trying to get out. I hope that my shouting would let people realize. Suddenly Louis takes out his tape that he exchanged from the tickets. He ripped a piece and covered my mouth with it.

He grabbed my hands and held it firmly so I won't be able to take the tape off. He also sat on my legs so I won't be able to kick him. Smart guy.

He reached for my shirt, but stopped, realizing what he was doing. But as his hands lifted a bit of my shirt, he noticed that I had wore a tank top underneath, and he smirked.

He took off my top. Thankfully I chose a dress or they would've pulled my pants too.Putting the dress on wasn't hard. I hated how the fabric touched my skin. It felt so uncomfortable.

Soon I felt them tie something at the back of the dress. "Finish." Louis says. He gave a higfive to Shay. I look at the mirror and almost cried. Wow this dress is ugly on me. It was long sleeved and the sleeves were baggy too.

I look like a bohemian idiot.

"Ooh. How about we take a picture?" Louis says. He took out his phone and stood next to me. Shay stood on the other side and he took a selfie.

"Okay. Our job here is done." Louis says. I rolled my eyes at him and he chuckled. "Don't mess with me Rosaline." He says playfully before going out of the room with Shay. I locked the door again and changed out of the hideous dress and back to my normal clothes.

I can't believe he did that just because of a tiara sticker. As I was about to get out of the fitting room, I remembered that the tape was still on my mouth. I try to peel it off, but I can feel the pain already. What kind of tape is this?

I have no choice but to go out with tape on my mouth. I grabbed the dress and my purse and headed out of the fitting room. People were staring at me. Wow, thanks a lot Louis for telling them I have a mental problem.

I quickly put the dress back on the rack and headed out of the store and find Louis and Shay waiting for me.

Shay giggled when she saw me. "Hi Rosaline. You still have the tape?"

"I can't take it off." I say, but it came out more as a mumble. Louis gave me a smirk. "What's that Rosaline? I can't hear you." He says.

"Take it off." I mumble. "Um..still can't hear you. Can you understand her Shay?" Louis says, which annoys me even more. Shay just chuckles, "Nope."

"Sorry Rosaline. Noone can understand you. Oh well, so what are we going to do now?" Louis says.

"I don't know. Got any ideas?" Shay says. "We could go to my house and chill. ready to go home?" Louis asks.

"Sure let's go to your house. Nothing to do here anyways." Shay says. "What do you think Rosaline?" Louis says looking to me, still smirking.

"Let's just go home." I say, mumbling once again. "Oh I think she agrees. Come on let's go." Louis says.

I groaned and just followed them to his car.

"I call shotgun!" Shay shouts. I go to the backseat. By the time rhe car starts, I'm starting to feel sick of the tape on my mouth. I try to peel it off slowly by myself, but it hurts.

"What's up Rosaline?" Louis asks, looking at me through the mirror.

I leaned front a bit and pat his shoulder. "Please open it." I groan, pointing to the tape on my mouth. "I see there is tape on your mouth Rosaline." Louis says.

I look to Shay and pat her shoulder. She giggles and shakes her head.

I groan and go back to leaning against my seat. Soon we arrive at Louis' house. It was really big. His family must be really wealthy.

"Alright. Let's go inside. Make yourself at home." Louis says as we walk through the door. "Wow. This place is huge. Are you sure only you and your parents live here?" Shay asks.

"No, I actually live here with a friends. My parents and their parents are visiting today so that explains why he isn't in the house now."

"Visiting?" Shay asks. "Yeah. Our parents are from London. Me and my friends are just having college here." Louis says. "Why such a big house?" Shay asks again.

"Because...technically our parents aren't paying for this. I am sharing this with 3 other people if they want to hang here. So..yeah."

" sleepovers?" Shay asks. "Yeah. It's just for rent though. It's not like our actual house." Louis says.

I sit on the sofa, still grouchy and annoyed that there is still tape on my mouth.

"Want to watch a movie?" Louis asks. "Sure, what should we watch?" Shay asks. "Well, my grandma always says that the best way to get along with people is by watching horror movies together." Louis says.

My eyes open wide hearing this. I shook my head vigorously. Louis looked at me, "Aw, what is it Rosaline? Don't like horror movies?" Louis asks. I keep on shaking my head.

"Which horror movie?" Shay asks, bringing a stack of cd's she found next to the tv. Of course Shay agrees to this. She really loves horror movies I don't even know why.

"Hmm...Annabelle? Haven't watch that in a while." Louis says. Shay nods and puts the cd inside the dvd player. "I'll go get some snack. Do you have any popcorn?" Shay asks, walking to the kitchen. "Sure do. Find them in the shelves."

"Found them!" Shay shouted. I decided to grab my phone from my purse. A trick I always do whenever we watch horror movies. As I was about to grab my purse, Louis' hand reaches the purse before I could.

I look to him. "Nope. You are going to watch this movie."

I groan, I am so annoyed by this guy. He chuckles looking at me. "Here. I"ll help you take the tape off." Louis says. Finally.

I move closer to him. His hand went to take the tip of the tape. "Alright, I am going to rip this off fast okay? It will hurt more if it's slow." Louis says to me.

I close my eyes and wait for him to rip the tape off. Like he said, he ripped it off fast. Like a bandaid.

"Owwwww!" I say. "What kind of tape is that?!"

"I have no idea." Louis chuckles. "I got the snack!" Shay says bringing bags of chips and a bowl of popcorn. She sat to the left of me, while Louis was on my right. "Can we not watch a horror movie?" I beg.

"Ssh." Louis says. "Pleaseee! Or give me my phone!" I say, reaching for my purse. "Shh or I'll put this tape back on you." Louis says.

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