Chapter 25

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Without realizing, tears started falling from my eyes and I try to wipe it off before he could see it. But it was too late, he took a glimpse of me wiping away my tears. I could see that his face softened a bit. I could also hear him taking a deep breath and getting closer to me.

"Hey Rose, I'm sorr-"

"Don't." I say right away. I couldn't bear to hear him talk again. I have enough. Without thinking, I straight away unlocked the door and went out, where it was still raining hard.

"Rose! Wait, please!" I heard him say.

"Stop calling me that! If it doesn't mean anything, then you can stop!" I say angrily and sadly at the same time.

I feel like he is going to follow me with his car. I need to outrun him. Ugh why do I have to live so close to that guy?

I ran through a small path towards my house as fast as I can. At least he won't follow me with his car. I finally arrived at my house and quickly headed straight to my room and locked the door.

I leaned onto my door and sat down on the floor, and let it all out.

See? This is what I'm talking about. If only I hadn't felt something for him, this wouldn't happen. If only he hadn't put me up with all these feelings. I would not be the kind of girl who cries about a guy. If only I would just listen to myself and wait until college.

I stayed there for a few minutes until I heard my phone ringing from my bag. I pick it up and saw Claires face on the screen. I can't call her now. My voice would show that I have been crying, I better take a shower first. I leave my phone still ringing on the bedside table, and walked to the bathroom.

Before I closed the bathroom door, my mom shouted, "Rosaline! An old friend of mines invited us to have dinner with them. Wear something nice!"

I sighed. "Do I have to come?"

"Of course! They really want to meet you and Shay." Mom says.

"Mom! Can I bring Brad?" Shay's voice suddenly asks.

"No! Sorry dear. But not today ok?" Mom says while Shay groans.

"Any clothes advice?!" I shouted.

"Well...the place is in...hold on. Pancious? Oh. It's at the mall we usually go to."

I just nod my head and closed the bathroom door to take a shower.

I wrap my body in a towel and walked back to my room. I sigh, knowing I have to dig in my closet again.'s just Pancious. Not that formal right?

I picked my white long jeans and a mint colored top. After trying a bunch of shoes to decide which match my outfit, I settle on a pair of white sneakers that I happen to find hiding in my closet.

I look at my reflection in the mirror and notice that my face is still red from crying. I apply a bit of makeuo to try to cover it up. Hopefully it's good enough.

Suddenly I remembered...Claire!
I quickly grabbed my phone and there was 1 miscall and one message from Claire. I figured just texting her would be better so she won't hear my voice and suspect anything.

Hey! Have you asked your parents about the party? Or are you going to go with my plan?

Right. I need to ask them. Pretty sure they won't say yes. Do I even want to come? It seems pointless now.

No point in asking. The answer is obviously no. And I don't think I want to come.

What?! Why not?! Don't worry. You can sneak out?

No! Of course not. You know I am not capable of doing that. And that's not the reason.

I got an idea. Can we call? It's hard to explain.

Before I could reply no, she is already calling. No backing out now. I answer it.

"Hey! Okay so how abou-" Claire began.

"Claire..." I say.

"No wait wait. So on Saturday morning I'll pick you up and we can tell your parents that we are having a sleepover at my house. And then at night we can go to the party. My house is parent fr-"

"Claire. I don't even know if I am going to come. It's just-"

"Wait. Are you crying? I know that voice. You can't lie. What happened?" Claire asks, her voice full of worry.

"Nothing. I just don't want to go to the party anymore."

"Hold on. There must be a reason you are doing this. I'm coming over right now."

"No point in that. I'm leaving soon. My parents are making me go meet her old friend. Anyways...I probably need to go now. Bye Claire." I say, right away hanging up and silencing my phone. She kept on calling me and I don't really want her to know about my problem with Harry.

After awhile, she stopped calling.

I grab my purse with all my belongings in it, and walk out of my room. Come to think of it, I haven't actually removed anything from my purse ever since the date with...him.

I shrug it off before it starts to affect me again and continue walking down the stairs. My mom and dad is standing next to the door, already ready. Mom was wearing a simple blue dress that ended right on her knees while dad is wearing a dark red button up shirt and grey pants.

"Oh there you are. Where's Shay?" Mom asks, noticing me.

"Coming!" Shay says. She walks down the stairs and she was wearing her denim short pants and a tie dye shirt. I could tell Mom wouldn't approve.

"Honey, I think you should change. Maybe just the pants." Mom suggested, making Shay groan again.

She walked back upstairs and when she came down she has changed into leggings.

We all walked to the car and headed to the mall. By the time we arrived, Mom and Dad didn't know much about where Pancious is but me and Shay knew perfectly.

When we went there, a women around my moms age with brown hair was waving at us from her table. She was sitting in a table for 6 with an extra chair on the side. She was on one side of the table with a two guys, one younger than the other who I assume is her hsuband and...son?

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