Chapter 6

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The bell rings. We went back to class, continuing with the lessons of the day. Me and Claire giving a few glances here and there at Harry and Niall behind us a few times, and when they look back up we would turn around fast and start giggling.

I don't exactly know what is happening to us, but as long as we are happy I don't mind.

The rest of the day continued on, nothing special happened. Just a few boring lessons and a lot of patience to finish the day already.

----------Dismissal time--------

Finally, today is the last day of school....of the week. Thankfully we start having homework next week. So now I can just relax.

I see small rain dribbling from the window of my classroom. I hoped that it would stop so me and Shay could walk home without gettimg wet. Claire couldn't take us today, she went home a bit early because of a 'family issue'.

I could still see rain outside. I waited for Shay, hoping that the rain would stop. But she didn't come anytime soon.

Suddenly I felt my phone buzz. It's a text from Shay.

Shay: Sorry. Went home with a friend to do project. Couldn't wait for you because it's about to rain.

I sighed. By this time, the rain is pouring hard. Maybe I should wait until it stops. Or maybe I should just run home. But then I'll get sick, and I hate getting sick. So I waited.

Suddenly I heard footsteps from behind. It's probably a teacher. "Hey." A familiar voice said. I turned my head to face whomever was speaking. It's Harry. "Oh..umm..hi" I said.

"Do you need a ride? I can take you home if you like." He said. "Oh's fine. I can wait till the rain stops." I told him, no matter how badly I wanted to go home right now.

"Hmm...judging by the weather, it doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon." He said. "It's okay" I told him.

"Come with me." He said while taking out an umbrella. "Wh-what?" I was confused. What part of I'll wait does he not understand. He chuckled. "You're cute. I'm taking you home and I am not taking no for an answer. I'm not letting you stay here until who knows when."

"O-okay" I said. I didn't want to start an argument with him, so I just went along with it. He opened his umbrella wide and gestured me to come closer.

I stood closer to him and we walked to his car. I could feel his hand over my shoulder. I felt safe and okay with it. We finally arrived at his car. He opened one of the doors and I guess that was his signal for me to get in. I went inside, and he closed the door. His car looks really neat and clean.

I waited for him to go around his car and get in the drivers seat. When he finally arrived, I waited for him to start the engine. Soon we were finally driving out of the school gates.

"So where do you live?" He asked. "Umm...r-right across from your place actually." His eyes are wide open. I assumed he had just known about this. "Seriously? Wow. How did I just found out about this?" Yep, he just knew. I giggle a bit at his expression.

"Umm..I actually just found out this morning. I saw you walking out of your house and into your car." I told him.

"Wow" he said back. "Coincidence huh? Then why didn't you let me drive you?" He asked.

Shoot...he had to ask this question. I tried to think of something fast. "Umm...g-guess I forgot." I said.

He chuckled. "You should really work on your lies." can he know??

He stopped the car. Signalling that we are in front of my house. It's stull raining hard out. Then I heard him whisper something to my ear. "Don't worry I'm fine with those little white lies of yours"

I shivered a bit. I looked to him and he gave a wink. Here is the creepy Harry again. I wanted to get out so bad. I signalled for the handle of the car door. " for the ride." I told him.

I noticed that the door was still locked. "No...stay right there." He said. He then opened his side of the door and went out with an umbrella. He closed the door again and walked around his car.

He opened my door. This is the nice Harry again. The Harry that I like. "Come on." He said.

I walked out of the car. I felt his hands over my shoulder, pulling me close to him again. Both of us walking to the front of my house door. I opened the door with my keys.

I went inside and turned back around. "Th-thank you. For the ride" I told Harry. He smiled. "No problem. Glad to help" He said.

I smiled back to him. " I'll be across the street when you need me ok?" He said. "Umm..yeah sure." He turned around heading for his car. I watched him since I think it will be rude not to.

Before going inside his car, he turned around and saw me. He gave a little wave and smile. I smiled and waved back. He finally went inside his car and drove his car across the street.

Quite funny to just see his house right across from mine. I closed the door and went to my room. I greeted Shay and her friend when I passed them. Shay apologized again, and her friend apologized too. I said that it's okay, and went to my room.

I am sooo tireddd. I just want to bury myself in my bed. I changed to my comfortable clothes and jumped on my bed. I checked my phone and like some pictures of my friends post in Instagram. Eventually I felt my eyes doze off. I fell asleep.

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