Chapter 30

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"We just met for a few hours, and you are already talking about this." I say. "Hey, it's called being friendly." Louis says.

*door opens*

"Oh they are back let's go." Louis says. "Umm...Louis? What about Shay?" I ask, I look to Shay and she was still giggling. "People laugh randomly sometimes right?" Louis says before walking out of the kitchen.

I followed him, pulling Shay with me. "Oh hi! Apparantly you girls are here! Your parents already went home. I better tell them you are on the way home too." Louis' mom, Johannah I think, said.

"Is she alright? She is acting different." Louis' dad says, looking at Shay. "Oh she just had a lot of fun today. Don't know why she is laughing like that though. Anyways, I better take these two home." Louis says.

"Oh ok. Take care girls." Louis' dad says to me and Shay. "It's very nice to meet you darlings. Louis, drive safely." Louis' mom says. "Yes Mom. Of course I will drive safely. Come on guys." Louis says grabbing his keys and walking out the door.

I follow him, still pulling Shay behind. I put Shay to sit in the back, and I sat in the front with Louis. I went to check my bag for my phone. I pull my phone out and realize that I hadn't only pulled my phone, I pulled out some sort of polaroid picture too.

I looked at the picture and gasp when I see clearly what it was. It was the picture when me and Harry went ice skating, along with the cute little girl that took a picture for us. I put the picture quickly back inside my bag and try to not let tears out of my eyes.

"You alright?" Louis voice suddenly asks, starttling me. "Huh? Oh I'm fine." I say, making him raise an eyebrow at me. "You sure?"

"Yes. Yes I am fine. Sorry." I say quickly. I turned on my phone and there are a lot of missed calls and messages from Claire. Wow. This is seriously more than she would put up with. I turn off my phone and turn my attention back to the road.
"Thanks Louis." I say to him as I close his car door. "No problem. Is she alright?" Louis asks, pointing to Shay who was looking very dizzy. "Yeah. She'll be fine."

"Okay then. See ya at the party!" Louis says before driving off. I start thinking of how am I going to go to Louis' party. At least now I know that I am definitely not going to Harry's party.

If I tell Claire...would she be mad at me? And not let me pretend to have a sleepover at her place? I thought very hard, until Shay groans. "Ugh, can we go inside now?"

"Oh sorry." I say, helping her inside the house. I quietly helped Shay to her room before going to mines.
The next day, I got dressed and as I walk out of my room I hear groans coming from Shay's room. I headed to her room to check on her. She was still lying in bed.

"You alright?" I ask. "My head hurts. How much did I-"

"Ssshhh" I say, covering her mouth. "Don't want mom and dad to know. going to school today?" I ask.

"Ugh. It's Friday isn't it? I think I'll pass." Shay says. "Are you having a fever?" I ask. "It's called a hangover." Shay says. I never really knew what a hangover feels like. I really wonder if it actually hurts as much as it says on tv and books.

"Well. Okay then. See ya later." I say closing her bedroom door and heading downstairs. As I finally got off the last step of stairs, I gasped as I saw Claire sitting on the kitchen bar, with my mom who was making breakfast.

"Oh good morning Rosaline. Claire is here. Is Shay ready yet?" My mom asks. "Shay isn't feeling well. Um...well...guess we better go now." I say, heading for the door. "Yes we should. Bye Mrs. Evans. Thank you for the breakfast!" Claire says following behind me.

I wait for her to unlock her car and right away opened the door and sat on the passenger seat. She sat on the drivers seat and started the car. She seems to be driving slower than her normal speed.

"So tell me what happened." Claire says. I sigh. "It's nothing Claire. I just don't feel like going." I say. "I saw you went home with him yesterday. Something must've happened. And if you're not going to tell me, I'll just go ask him myself." "No wait." I quickly say.

"Fine I'll tell you what happened." I told her the whole story, minus the making out part. "Wait wait wait. 'asked' him if you guys are in a realtionship or no? Why on earth would you ask that? Who asks that kind of question anyways?" Claire says, making me confused.

"Well...what's wrong with asking if we are in a relationship or no? Don't I have the right to ask? Besides, he didn't even answer my question. He just exploded." I say, trying not to remember what happened.

"Oh Rosaline. You don't just 'ask' that. It takes time. Like...if you know then you know." Claire says. My mind is still confused. "I sometimes wonder what is inside your brain Rosaline. I know what you're thinking. But...just let it go you know? Let life handle it. For example, me and Niall, do you see either of us asking each other if we are in a relationship or no? No right? It just happens." Claire says. I just sat there, trying to figure out what she is trying to tell me.

"So...are you and Niall...?" I ask since that is the only thing I could come up with. She suddenly slows down the car and smiles shyly. I could also see a pint of redness on her cheeks, and I knew the answer. "He asked me yesterday after school. After you went off with Harry. I was going to tell you, but we were talking about that party and..." Claire trails off, she starts looking at me. "So...I assume you're not going to the party then?" She asks. I slowly shake my head no. " don't have to see him in the party. Just hang with me." She says.

"Yeah I guess I could. But...I'll probably be a third wheel." I say, trying to lighten up the mood somehow. Claire giggles. "Yeah...but...I'll try to not always stick to Niall." She says, and I give her a really? look. She laughs again. "I can't believe it...I have a boyfriend now, my very first boyfriend." She says, smiling. She then looks at the time and starts driving again. I smiled at her. I am happy for her, I truly am. But somehow, my brain keeps on worrying about my own problems.

"Your very first? What about those guys back in elementary?" I say, but soon remembered that she didn't like me reminding her. She groans, "Ughh I told you lots of times to never retell that story. Besides, I wouldn't consider them as a boyfriend kinda people." I giggled, "Then what are they?" She gave me a glare that would probably mean stop continuing this subject. I laughed and soon we arrive at school, 10 minutes before the bell rings.

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