Love: Part 1

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One of the most important themes in Harry Potter is LOVE. All kinds of love, not only romance. There is motherly love, fatherly love, friendships, sibling love and the love that... Um... I can't find a word for it. Basically, Ron and Hermione, Tonks and Remus, Snape and Lily, James and Lily, Bill and Fleur, Harry and Ginny, etc. This time I'm going to be showing all kinds of... *drum roll*

Motherly Love

Enjoy the list of all the acts of the love in the books and movies!

First of all, the most important act of motherly love is...
Lily's sacrifice

Lily died to protect her son, Harry from Lord Voldemort, even though she could have saved herself

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Lily died to protect her son, Harry from Lord Voldemort, even though she could have saved herself. Because she died, she made a blood protection over Harry, which saved him multiple times. A slow clap for Lily Potter! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Number 2!!
Molly Weasley and her Christmas Jumpers (PS. I want a jumper!)

Since Harry's first Christmas at Hogwarts, Molly Weasley has welcomed the boy to their family

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Since Harry's first Christmas at Hogwarts, Molly Weasley has welcomed the boy to their family. He got a Weasley Christmas Sweater, was invited to the Burrow every summer. Molly cared about Harry so much. She was like the mother he never had. Thank you, Molly!

Narcissa's lie

Narcissa Malfoy cared so much about her son

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Narcissa Malfoy cared so much about her son. She lied to the Dark Lord about Harry's death only so that she could go back to Hogwarts and see if Draco is alive and well. SHE LIED TO VOLDY MOLDY! That's bravery. Well done, Cissy!

Tonks' fight

Soon after giving birth to her son, she went to Hogwarts to find Remus and fight in the battle

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Soon after giving birth to her son, she went to Hogwarts to find Remus and fight in the battle. That is commitment. She fought for the freedom of her son. She fought with the thought that even if she dies, she won't die in vain, because she will die for a good cause. For her son's freedom and happiness.

The last one isn't motherly love. It's close, though. It's grandmotherly love.
Augusta Longbottom

She took care of Neville after his parents died

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She took care of Neville after his parents died. She fought in the Battle for him. She made him into a better person. She was like a mother to Neville. Good job, Augusta!


Thanks for reading this chapter! It has been long overdue. I still might edit it and add a few quotes from the books when I finally get back to my precious HP series. I hope you like it. Please vote and comment what you would like me to do in future chapters. Stay tuned for a second part of the Love chapters.
It would also be great if you checked out my new books The Very Potter Questions and Hogwarts Role Play.
Hugs and butterfly kisses,
Your Ria

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