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Inspired by CleverClaw 's suggestion to do '100 memes and where to find them' for the 100th chapter, I decided to create a Tumblr account called...


"Fantastic GIFs and Where to Find Them"

It will be a blog where I post GIFs with an unrelated quote from the books/movies. I really hope you check it out!

Please keep commenting ideas for the 100th chapter as I want it to be extra special.

Also, I won't be posting as much as during the summer, because I starting school tomorrow. Yay! (Not). I'm really (not) excited to start school again. Ugh! Well, doesn't matter.

Now I'll show you some GIFs because why not? If you want to, you can try commenting extracts from the books as captions and maybe I'll use one for the Tumblr ones.

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All was well,Ria

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All was well,

The Most Randomest Things I Can Find Or Make Up About The Harry Potter UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now