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I'm sorry! Don't shoot me, don't fire hexes and jinxes at me!

I have abandoned this book. I'm so sorry.

For the past month I've been so into other fandoms and creating stuff for that in my other book (The Fandom Life (pls check it out it's awesome)) that I totally forgot about this Harry Potter book.... I'm sorry.

Overall, I haven't been much into Harry Potter lately. I've been exploring more and joining fandoms to dig myself deeper into the unsocial hole of awkwardness that is being a fangirl.

I'm exhausted rn cause it's nearly 1am but I promise to catch up on everything and make this work for a while, but not long. I'll probably end this book in a few weeks or April 1st, as that's when I created this book.

I'll just end this on some exciting news: ITS MY 14th BIRTHDAY!!! Yay!

Okay, that's it, goodnight, have a nice day wherever you are.

All was well,

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