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Today, a year ago, I decided to create a Harry Potter book which I'd fill with random HP stuff. And so I did. On the birthday of no other than Fred and George Weasley, I created this book that grew into something... something I cannot describe. But it's special.

When the first person liked a chapter of this book, I was ecstatic. I was literally grinning. When I got my first comment, I had to lie down because I couldn't stand the happiness.

Looking back at what I wrote, I cringe, even though it's only been a year. But I cringe at my 1-second-ago self so that's understandable.

This is officially the end of this book. A full year has passed and I want to move on. I'll still be active(ish) on my Multi-Fandom book "The Fandom Life" but I'll focus more on theories and reactions and reviews and headcanons. It'll be less random, more thought out content that takes time. It's time for me to upgrade.

I've been gone for a really long time. Not only from this book but from Wattpad alltogether. I'll explain everything in a chapter on "The Fandom Life" (#promo)

I wanna take this chapter to thank each and every one of you for taking your time reading my words. It really means so much to me. 

What will happen with this book? I'll probably leave it up. Maybe go back and edit it a bit to fix typos and cringy mistakes.

Is this an April Fool's joke? No. This is not a joke, this is not a drill, this is serious. I am seriously ending this book. I'm finishing it on the 1st of April because that's when it started. What starts on April fool's ends on April Fool's cause this whole book was a joke, just like my life. :P

Thank you again and I hope to see you on the Fandom Life.

Mischief Managed

The Most Randomest Things I Can Find Or Make Up About The Harry Potter UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now