I dare you...

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I dare you to buy Spectrespects and wear them for a whole day.
I dare you to wear your full school robe to public.
I dare you to draw a scar on your forehead and walk around in public like that.
I dare you to draw a home-made Deatheater sign on your wristy-handy part and pretend to call for Voldemort.
I dare you to get a wand (or a stick that looks like a wand) and pretend to do magic in public.
I dare you to put a '4 Privet Drive' on your house/fence/door.
I dare you to make so many Harry Potter references and puns, your head will explode.
I dare you to go up to someone and speak Parseltongue to them.
I dare you to try to find another Potterhead in your neighbourhood.

If you are scared of showing people that you're a Potterhead, don't be. Maybe you'll find a Potterhead friend in your neighbourhood.

This went from one dare to this whole sentimental thingy-rubbishy.

All was well,

PS. I hope you enjoyed this rubbish

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