Thoughts on Fantastic Beasts (MAJOR SPOILERS!)

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I just saw FBAWTFT and... I loved every second of it. So now I will tell you my thought on the movie. If you haven't seen it yet. BEWARE!



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Okay, now: let's FANGIRL! (If anybody knows where that's from, we can be friends)

When the WB logo appeared, I already cried. It was the first time I got to experience seeing a Harry Potter related movie in the cinemas. I was also super worried that it was going to be a disappointment.

When I first saw the trailer, the character I was excited for the most was Tina. I had this feeling she was going to be awesome! I was looking forward to seeing the beasts, etc.

At first when I saw the newspapers I was confused, because I thought that the attacks would only start when the beasts escaped. But I like it better as it is. :)

I loved Newt, Tina, Jacob and even Queenie (though she was annoying at first). I loved that she could read people's minds. It was so awesome!! And the way Tina was so badass was the best. And don't even get me started on Newt. I literally fell in love with him. He's super sweet, caring and loves all the beasts so much. And Jacob... So accepting and so awed by magic.

I loved the wider use of magic and how we found out so much more about it. We found out about Obeviatorthingiesidontrememberthename and some new spells (or maybe I just don't remember them) and fascinating beasts and the wizarding community in America.

I ADORED Newt's case. It was beautiful and I wish I could go in there and live there. And the way he acted around the beasts and cared for them so much. I stared at the screen without blinking and grinned widely every time he interacted with a beast. It was adorable.

My favourite beasts were the Niffler, Bowtruckle (I cried when Newt gave him to that stupid meanie in exchange for answers), Thunderbird (duh!) and ALL OF THEM! I basically fell in love with the beasts.

Remember that scene where Jacob stepped into the rain? Yeah, I do IT BROKE MY HEART! He should have remembered! Why? And then that scene at Jacob's bakery (which I love). It's clear that Jacob has forgotten about his encounters with Newt, Tina and Queenie, but when he sees Queenie he looks at her and smiled and... Cut. WHAT!? How can you possibly do that and expect me to stay calm. DID HE REMEMBER HER OR WAS THAT JUST A 'SHE SEEMS FAMILIAR' FACE? You can't leave me hanging like that.

But I have a theory. You know how Newt said that the poison that erased the memories of the attack erased nightmares? Maybe Jacob only forgot the nightmarish part but remembered the rest, but passed it off as exhaustion or imagination or dreaming. He did say "It will be like waking up." That means he'll think it was a dream. So he might still remember!

Another thing. Remember when Newt's case was being taken away from him and he just shouted after the people. 'Please don't hurt the beasts'? I do and I freaking cried my eyes out! It was so heartbreaking. He cares so much for them and I was so scared that one beast was going to die. I was freaked out and on the edge of my seat until he got his case back.

Something else that was awesome was the new Lestrange character. Who is she? What will happen to her? What was her connection to Newt? I have a strong feeling she will be in the future parts of the FB franchise.

I also was not expecting the guy who was called a Squib (I forgot the name Again!) to be the O-person thingy. And the revelation that Mr Graves (or something like that) was actually Grindelwald made me gasp so loud I could have woken up a whole city.

So yeah, I wasn't disappointed. I'll probably be making a part two as I'll remember more stuff I loved about the movie. Please comment your views on the movie. I'd love to hear what you have to think. We can even fangirl over it together.

I really want to rewatch the movie and I might. I also can't wait until I can buy the DVD and watch it at home in my PJs hundred more times. I think it's my favourite Harry Potter-related movie ever! And my favourite movie ever.

Now I'm going to wait until the next movie comes out. I. Don't. Want. To. Wait.

Signing off,

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