Chapter 1

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You couldn't stop thinking about it. You shake your head and let out a huff. "Y/N!" You quickly went downstairs as soon as you heard Martha's voice. You saw Mina and Trudge wave to you. Trudge spread his arms out in a hug, "Hey kiddo. You haven't changed one bit, Y/N." You blush, "Come on, Trudge! I'm a lot taller than last time!" Mina smiles, "Now I understand why you two are so close." Mina chuckles, "Right. Anyway, how have you been? The last time we saw you was when you were really small." You reply, "I've been okay, Mina. I mean, I don't really have anything to hide."

Meanwhile, Yusei Fudo was working tirelessly on his duel runner. His friends Crow Hogan and Jack Atlas were watching him quietly. Crow groans, "Come on, Yusei! Let's go out or something!" Jack replies, "Don't sound so impatient, Crow. You sound like a little kid!" Crow became annoyed, "You wanna say that again?" Yusei exhales, "Stop it you two. The last thing we need right now is a fight over nothing."

Later on, you were on your own. The only other person here other than yourself was Blister. Mina and Officer Trudge had left earlier that day. "Are you okay?" It was Dark Magician Girl. You let out a small sigh, "I don't know anymore. Ever since I came here, I just feel like something's missing." Another spirit spoke up, "Maybe you're just imagining things." This time, that spirit was the Dark Magician. You sigh once more, "I don't know, guys. Maybe I am imagining it but....something will change..I just know it will." Dark Magician said, "You know, you've always been very distant with the other children." You reply, "That's not my fault, I'm just afraid that I'll hurt them." Dark Magician Girl asked, "Is it because of your powers?" You nodded. You heard a knock on the door, causing the two spirits to vanish. You said, "Come in." The door opened revealing Martha, who wore a worried expression. Martha asked, "Are you okay? You've been so quiet today, you're usually very talkative." You ask, "Martha? Do you think that I'm a freak?" Martha exhales, "Y/N, you are no freak. You have a gift that can help others when they're in trouble." She put her hand on your head and adds, "You truly are a sweet girl. Even since the day I found you, you're still the same timid person I love." You said, "Martha..." Martha then said, "You know, you remind me of someone." You reply, "" Martha nods, "You remind me of Crow. Although he can be stubborn, he has a good heart and he'll do anything to help someone." You both hear a voice from below, "Hey Martha! We've got company!" You look at her and Martha said, "Let's go, Y/N."

When you came downstairs, you saw three boys sitting in the living room. Dark Magician Girl asked, "Who are those guys?" "I don't know. I'm assuming that they know Martha and Blister pretty well." Martha exclaims, "My boys!" The blond groans, "Ow! Easy, Martha!" You saw that the onyx-haired boy was looking at you, from head to toe. Dark Magician Girl remarks, "He's making me feel nervous and he can't even see me." The orange-haired boy however, looked very happy to see Martha. Martha had a smile on her face, "It's good to see you three again. It's been a long time." The onyx-haired boy nods in agreement, "It has been a while. Say, who's the person standing beside you?" The other two boys moved their gaze towards you, making you feel a bit nervous. Martha said, "Boys, this is Y/N." You shyly said, "N-Nice to meet you." The black-haired boy answers, "My name's Yusei Fudo. These are my friends Jack and Crow." You give them a timid smile in response. You ask, "Um, Martha? Is it okay if I go outside?" She sighs, "Go ahead." You leave quickly. Martha sighs once more. Yusei said, "I'm guessing she's not a people person?" Marth shook her head, "No it's not that, Yusei. Y/N is just very timid. She isn't used to being around other people." Crow spoke up, "Has she always been like that?" Martha nods, "Yes, she's been here ever since she was a little girl. She has no memory of who her parents are." The three boys look at one another in melancholy.

"Why are you always doing that to yourself?" You reply, "Doing what?" Dark Magician answers, "Getting uncomfortable for no reason. You should try to open up more. It's not going to hurt you." You exhale, "I know...." Dark Magician Girl inquires, "Have you thought about school yet?" You shudder, "Yes, and I'm beyond nervous." You look at your duel runner and add, "This duel runner is the only reason why I haven't become a lonely person. It eases away my worries, I just feel more relaxed when I work on it."

Crow looks around, "This place hasn't changed one bit." Jack crosses his arms, "That girl seems a bit anti-social to me. Did you see the way she replied when we introduced ourselves?" Yusei said, "Speaking of her, look over there." Yusei points to where they saw Martha speaking with you. They saw you nod, noticing how happy you looked. They saw Martha go back inside and Crow remarks, "Race ya!" Yusei said, "Crow wait!" Jack sighs, "He'll never learn." Yusei sighs, "Let's go stop him before he does anything stupid." Jack shook his head and mutters, "Idiot."

You watched as Martha had walked back inside. You held on to your locket, "This is the only thing that I remember getting. Martha must've found it lying somewhere." You suddenly felt body collide with something solid, causing you to fall to the ground. You groan, "Ugh...that's painful." You then saw Crow beside you, causing you to back away in surprise. You groan once more when your back hit your duel runner. "Crow, you dolt!" You rub your back and Dark Magician Girl asked, "You okay?" "Just peachy." You then see Yusei and Jack running towards the both of you. Crow sheepishly smiles, " a bit excited there." He puts his hand out to you, helping you up. Yusei said, "Y/N right? You okay?" You nod, "I think so." Jack scolds Crow, "What were you thinking? This isn't some kind of park, Crow." Crow remarks, "It's not my fault!" You sigh, "Look, if there's something on your mind, say it already." Crow asked, "How did you know that?" You reply, "Your expression is a dead giveaway." Crow replies, "Fine. I was thinking about how cool your runner is." You blink, "M-my runner?" He nods excitedly, "Yeah! It's look so awesome!" Yusei said, "Crow, you're scaring her." Crow notices how quiet you were being and became silent. Crow then adds, "Martha talks about you a lot, you know?" You reply, "She does?" Yusei was the one who responded, "Yeah, sometimes she'll come to visit and tell us about a girl who's always so timid but will always help no matter what." You blush, "Martha's just being Martha. She always says stuff like that." You quietly add, "She was the one who brought me back here. She saved me from living alone." Jack remarks, "I've had enough of this sappy small talk. Let's go." Jack grabs Crow and adds, "Don't even think about arguing, Crow. We've been here long enough." You watch as the three boys leave. They seem nice.

You look out your bedroom window and exhale. Crow. He seemed very confident but you knew that there was something more....but what was it?

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