Chapter 8

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****One week later****

"Crow! I can't believe you ate my last ramen noodle cup! I'll make you pay for that!" You yawn and come downstairs. You cross your arms, "What's going on?" You exhale, "Again? This is the third time this week!" You add, "You two are so childish sometimes." Jack comments, "Looks like someone is back to normal." You exhale once more, "I'm going to grab some groceries. Considering the fact that you guys live off of ramen and nothing else, I might as well." Yusei responds, "Hold on. I think that one of us should go with you. You know, just in case." You reply, "I'll be fine, Yusei. I doubt that those shadow spirits will be interested in my grocery shopping. If anything happens, I'll let you know." Yusei sighs, "Alright....just be careful."

A few minutes later, you arrive at the small grocery shop. You said, "Here we are..." You walk in and see that it's empty. Dark Magician Girl questions, "Isn't this a bit weird?" You reply, "You're telling's basically deserted. Oh well, guess I have to take it to my advantage."

Ten minutes later, you arrive back at Yusei's hideout. You take off your helmet and you mutter, "Might have gone a bit overboard." When you walk in, you suddenly trip and lose your balance. You quickly run and grab some of the groceries. You groan, "That's going to leave a mark." Jack enters the room and inquires, "Y/N, what are you doing on the ground?" Crow came in after and comments, "Looks like a tornado went through here. Oh hey Y/N." Tempest looked annoyed, "The least you could do is help her up, numbskull." Yusei asked, "Y/N, how was—" He stopped when he saw you on the ground. Before Yusei could do anything, Crow put out his hand. He helps you up and remarks, "I'm guessing all this stuff is your "grocery shopping". Am I right?" You roll your eyes, "Very funny, Crow." You go to pick up the remains of your outing. You exhale in frustration and stomp into the kitchen. Yusei watches from afar, "Is something on her mind? She's usually so calm."

"Why do guys have to be so clueless?!" Breaker refutes, "I take offense to that, so do the other male spirits." You reply, "Will you lay off, Breaker?" The male spirit puts his hands up defensively, "Woah there, Mount Vesuvius!" Empyrean Empress appears and inquires, "What is going on here?" She notices your current state and sighs, "She's having a bad day, isn't she?" Even though she was a spirit, you could still feel Empyrean Empress' hand on your head. She spoke gently, "Have one of the boys been acting off today, Y/N?" You reply, "No....more like they've been totally clueless about a girl's feelings." Empyrean Empress began to understand, "I see now." Breaker answers, "See what? I don't get it." Amores pushes Breaker aside, "Of course you don't! This is strictly something only us girls get!" Dark Magician adds, "Breaker, I think you should just leave this to us. I think Y/N needs to spend some alone time with us. Right Y/N?" You gave her a gentle nod.

Crow asked, "Should we ask her if she's okay?" Jack stops him, "I think that Y/N needs to be alone right now." Crow looks at the kitchen and lets out a huff.

Akiza and Luna were walking towards the guys' hideout. Leo calls out, "Slow down!" Luna replies back, "Well hurry up!" He sighs and tries to keep up with the two girls. When they arrive, they begin to notice the tense atmosphere. Akiza said, "What's with this atmosphere?" Yusei greets them, "Akiza, Leo, Luna." Leo asked, "What's going on?" Crow explained to them about what happened earlier on. Akiza answers, "I see, this is unlike her at all. Did she say anything to you?" Yusei shook his head, "She just stormed into the kitchen and she's been there ever since." Akiza said, "Luna, you and Leo should stay here. I'll go talk to Y/N." Leo protests, "Why?!" Akiza replies, "I think it's something that Luna wouldn't understand."

"So this Crow guy, do you like him? Or do you lo—OW! Tempest!" Tempest was slightly annoyed, "Not helping." You look down at your knees, "To tell the truth, I don't know what my feelings for Crow are like anymore. My chest just gets all fuzzy whenever he talks...and when he goes to comfort me, I start blushing for no reason. He's confident, funny, a bit stubborn but....he's also caring and sweet at times. I just....I don't know. Am I being delusional?" You add, "What if I tell him and he rejects me? I don't want to imagine all." You suddenly hear Akiza's voice from outside, "Hey there. Crow told me what happened....can I come in?" She enters the small kitchen and notices how quiet you were being. You look away, your gentle eyes filled with sadness.

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