Chapter 19

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You stare lovingly at Crow as he laid down in the grass. Crow said with his eyes closed, "You're staring at me, aren't you?" You reply, "I'm not staring, I'm admiring. There's a difference you know." Crow said, "I guess I still have to talk to your parents about this." You saw nervous he was and you reassure him, "My parents really like you, Crow. You don't have to be so nervous."

****Two hours later****

Akiza stood in front of an unfamiliar house. Her eyes dart towards the entry way, her chocolate eyes hesitant to look anywhere else. The door opened, causing the vermilion-haired girl to jump back in surprise. She was met with a pair of soft brown eyes, ones that wore a look of confusion. Akiza asked, " Y/N here?" Akiza hears your voice from behind the woman, "Mother, it's alright. She's a friend of mine." Akiza remembered your parents and bows quickly, "I-I'm sorry for being so rude!" Your mother chuckles, "No need to apologize. I can tell that you care a lot about my angel a lot." You exhale, "Mom, come on! Please don't embarrass me in front of my friend!" Akiza laughs, "Don't worry about it, Y/N." You ask, "Do you want to come in?" Akiza nods, "Oh um...okay."

Moments later, you were both in your bedroom. Akiza was a bit confused at first. She finally asked, "I thought that you lived with Martha. Why the sudden change?" You answer with hesitation, "I didn't want to leave Martha, but I knew that I couldn't stay at the orphanage forever. I haven't seen my parents since I was a toddler, it makes me feel at ease when I'm with them." You quietly add, "Being able to speak to them face to face is better than speaking to their spirits." Akiza said, "Y/N....I didn't know that you felt that way." Dark Magician Girl remarks, "That's because Y/N isn't good at expressing her true emotions. Ow! What was that for?!" Empyrean Empress had a look of annoyance in her eyes, "That statement is not necessary at the moment. Also, I think that Y/N is perfectly capable of expressing her emotions when she feels that it's appropriate." Akiza questions, "What's Crow doing?" You answer, "I don't know. I think that he's testing out a new engine with Yusei and Jack." Akiza responds, "I'm not surprised. Those three are obsessed with making those runners top notch."

Meanwhile, Jack was ready to swing his fist at a certain autumn-haired boy. Jack growls, "Crow, get your Blackwing butt over here!" Yusei mutters, "This happens every time..." Crow hides behind Yusei, making the onyx-haired boy shake his head in disapproval. Yusei spoke out of exasperation, "Can we just get this done without anyone getting beaten up?" The two boys stop when Yusei had said that. Crow sighs, "Fine...let's just get this over with." When they started to test the engine, it suddenly exploded when Crow started his duel runner. Crow began to cough, "Why did it explode like that? I thought that you said this engine is top notch?!" Yusei replies, "It is. Although, I don't know why it did that." Crow gets off his runner and begins to search it endlessly. Crow said, "Guys, look at this." Yusei said, "No way...." Jack responds, "Looks like we need Y/N's help after all." Yusei said to his friends, "Let's see if she can help."

Yusei, Jack and Crow arrive in front of a house per Akiza's directions. Saito and Chizuru give the boys a smile. Saito had his arms crossed, "If you're looking for musume, she's outside with Akiza." Chizuru lets out a sigh, "Stop being so cold towards them." Yusei responds, "Alright, we'll keep that in mind. Thank you."

Akiza yells, "Will you slow down?! You're not racing anyone!" Yusei saw Akiza and called out to her. She looked over and waved to the three boys. Jack inquires, "Why are you yelling?" Akiza explains, "Well you see, Y/N wanted to see how fast her duel runner could go if she was turbo dueling someone. I'm helping out by timing her." Your duel runner came to a stop, with you getting off of it. You greet the boys, "Well this is a surprise. What brings you guys here?" You remark, "Let me guess.....duel runner troubles?" Jack groans, "Trouble isn't even the right word to use. It's more like a chaotic explosion." Yusei responds, "That's a bit of an exaggeration." Jack replies, "Whatever. Look, you're the only other person we know that can help us." You reply, "Well, let me grab my things and we'll meet you there. Right, Aki?" Akiza nodded in agreement.

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