Chapter 7 (Part 1)

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"Someone help us! It's coming! Please! He's come to make us his slaves! Please kind maiden, your power is greatly needed. They've come for us! You can't leave us like this! Our fate is in your hands!"

You awaken with a start. You look around, the events of yesterday pooled into your mind. You see that Crow is still fast asleep. You sigh with relief, tiptoeing carefully.

You come downstairs to see Yusei working on his duel runner. Yusei saw you and greets you, "Hey there, did you sleep well?" You reply, "Yusei.." Yusei heard the tone of your voice and he inquires, "What is it?" You answer, "I...I haven't been completely honest. There's something I need to tell you.."

****Ten minutes later****

You finish telling Yusei about the dreams you've been having for the past few weeks. You admit, "They feel so real." Yusei replies, "So let me get this straight, these dreams have been bothering you since the first disappearance?" You nod, "They keep coming back every night. I keep feeling a strange sensation every time I go to sleep. It's like....those dreams are trying to warn me. Although, I don't understand why it's doing so." Yusei asked, "Do you know who the people in the dream are?" You shake your head, "Unfortunately, I don't. It's like someone is calling out to me.....and the sensation gets stronger with every dream." Yusei responds, "Let's wait for Jack and Crow. If we tell them, maybe we can formulate some kind of plan." Tempest inquires, "What will that do? Make things easier?"

After ten more minutes, you hear two sets of footsteps descend from the upper floor. Yusei had noticed that you were quietly gazing at the door. You shake your head and stare at your worn locket. Boom! Crow asked, "What was that?" "Y/N I have a very bad feeling about this." "I do too, Tempest." Jack replies to Crow, "I don't know but it doesn't sound good at all." Yusei said, "Come on, we've got to find out where that came from." Yusei stopped in his tracks, "Aren't you coming, Y/N?" You nod, "I'll catch up with you guys later, there's something I need to do." Jack replies, "Don't take too long, got it?" You nod once more and watch them leave. You sigh for a moment, regaining your composure. You spoke up, "Guys, I have a hunch. It involves going back to that place. I think that's where the sound came from." Dark Magician crosses his arms, "How do you know if this hunch is right? We could be getting ourselves into a trap or even worse." Tempest answers, "Her hunches are usually correct. I get the feeling that there's more to that noise than we think." You said, "Let's go then."

The three duelists arrive in a desolate spot of New Domino. Crow recognized the place, "This is where I found Y/N yesterday." Yusei looks around, "It seems like this place holds some kind of meaning to her." Jack replies, "Enough dilly-dallying! We've got to find out where that noise came from!" Crow answers, "I'll go ahead of you guys...just in case." The other two nod in agreement.

Akiza, Leo and Luna were heading to an unknown part of New Domino. Akiza thought to herself, "This feeling....I've felt this before. Where and why do I keep having it?"

When Akiza saw Jack, Crow and Yusei's duel runners, she knew something was off. Yusei saw her, "Akiza, Leo, Luna. What are you guys doing here?" Akiza explains, "We just had a strange feeling that something wasn't right." Luna points to an oncoming duel runner, "Akiza, look." Akiza said, "Y/N..."

You take off your helmet and you are greeted with Akiza's curious eyes. Akiza said, "Y/N..." You ask, "Did you have that same feeling too?" Boom! You look around, "Where's Crow?" "From what I sense, he has gone ahead of you all." Yusei answers, "He's gone ahead, just in case anything were to happen."

Crow shudders, "This place is so creepy." He suddenly heard voices and his himself behind a wall. "Master, we've found the girl. The one you've been searching for since her past incarnation perished." Crow contemplated to himself, "Who are they talkin' about? Past incarnation? Sounds like something out of a fairy tale." He heard the voices continue to speak, "I will add that she is an orphan." Crow accidentally slips and makes a sound. The two men turn in his direction. He quickly hides and breathes a sigh of relief. They look around and go back inside the chamber. Crow exhales silently, "That was too close."

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